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Tag 10

by Leah and Saderah

They rose achore at he sunset. The passenger was named Afgan. He was a bit taller than Sinbad, and really handsome. 'But nothing to compare with Sinbad' Bryn thought. After supper, the capt'n had left the gally to take his watch at the tiller. The rest of the crew had stay at the table to play cards. Afgan had diceded to go rest in his quarters .

'What do you tell me about the ace, Doubar ' Bryn asked. Doubar and Rongar laughed. Doubar aswered to Bryn: ' Ace are 1 and 11'. 'What Afgan can do in his quarters, I found him very quiet' thinked Bryn.

Doubar seemed confident that he was going to win this hand. Rongar had already busted and it seemed Bryn still hadn't grasped the game. 'Beat this lass!' he said as he slapped down a king and a nine. Bryn smirked and set down a jack and an ace. 'Twenty one I believe. I have you beat.'

Doubar fumbled for words, 'You knew what the aces meant all along didn't you?' Bryn laughed, 'I watched you boys play at a bar once.' Sinbad walked up laughing, 'Face it big brother. Bryn didn't forget how to be sneaky and beat you.'

Firouz arrived and said : 'Why are you laughing?' 'I beat Doubar in card game' Bryn aswered. Firouz smiled and said :'Poor Doubar' Doubar turn look as Sinbad :' Little brother, where do we go with Mr. Afgan ?

'Basra' Sinbad replied. The crew all grinned, they all were fond of that port. 'Only a few days away,' Firouz added. 'Where is he now?' Bryn asked. 'In his quarters, guess he's not a night person.' Sinbad replied.

Sinbad went behind Bryn and put his hands on her shoulders. Bryn bent down her head y behind and smiled! "Little Brother, you have all the night *and* your quarters for that, but please, be descent!" Doubar said as Sinbad bent to kiss her.

Sinbad smiled and gave Bryn's shoulders a squeeze, "Trying to give me ideas big brother?" Doubar shook his head, "Kids these days. We've got a guest, mind your manners." Bryn looked around, "Speaking of our guest..." The cabin door open and Afgan emerged.

"So it is the job of the girl aboard this ship!" Afhan said. "I knew a capt'n had to have a good reason to keep a girl on a ship." he laughed. Bryn turned her head away. "Does the guest have the same right about her?" he asked.

Bryn couldn't help but snicker eventhough a part of her was disgusted at the thought. Still Afgan was handsome... "Heh," Sinbad said, trying to act masculine. Doubar shook his head and rolled his eyes. Afgan seemed to get the idea, "Relax my dear," he said to Bryn, offering his hand in a peace gesture, "I was only joking."

Sinbad smiled and wasn't surprised to see Bryn acepting the Afgan's hand for peace. Getting a bit jalous, Sinbad moved between them and took Bryn's other hand. "Now how about to leave these to their game hen!" he said, Bryn slowly got up! "Aye aye capt'n" she said smiling. Sinbad gently past his hand around shoulders and they wakl out of the gally to reach the deck.

Bryn followed Sinbad out to the deck. She knew that the men would be making smartalleck remarks about the two of them, but she didn't care. It was a warm night with a soft breeze- just perfect. Sinbad walked over to a railing and leaned over it. Bryn approached him and stood by his side. "Calm seas," he remarked. She nodded, "Calm night."Sinbad laughed, "Not in the galley"

Afgan had taken Bryn's place at th table to play cards. They were laughing! On deck, Sinbad and Bryn could hear them. "What do you think are they talking about ?" Bryn easked "Probably askig themself out loud who of you and me will sleep on th room of the other tonight!" Sinbad replied, grabbing his arms aroud her. Her back was against his chest, she was resting against him.

Bryn laughed and smiled, nestled in Sinbad's arms. "Well that's an easy one. You share your room with Doubar, I have a room to myself. Do you really want Doubar to see me sleeping with you?" Sinbad laughed, "Good point, your room it is." He bent down and kissed the top of her head. Suddenly he whirled around to see Afgan. "Oh my! Excuse me," Afgan said, "Didnt mean to interrupt."

Sinbad turned on himself, turning Bryn with him. "What is it?" asked Sinbad, a bit unconfortanble. He used to be seen with women around, but with Bryn, it wasn't the same: Fiest, she was a part of his crew; second, contrary to those ports girl, he was really in love with Bryn.

Afgan shrugged, "Nothing much. It's not often I travel the sea. I thought I'd come enjoy the view for a bit." he looked around, "Wow the stars are amazing out here!" Bryn nodded, "They are so much clearer without the city lights." "I can see why you and your crew love sailing so." he sighed, "I envy you." Sinbad saw Bryn's face soften and raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Bryn asked. Afgan smiled, "Oh it's a dull story. One I imagine would pale in comparision to yours. That is, if your stories are as lovely as you." Bryn blushed, "As lovely as you get if you threw all of the crew into one person." Sinbad laughed, "Wouldn't that be a sight!"

The three of them laghed and turned back to the sea. Sinbad moved his hands and Bryn's arms to warm her and she smiled. "Well, i think I'll let the two birds of you alone and I'llgo get some rest. These day at sea exausted me!" Afgab said before he left. "Strange guy, isn't he?" Bryn said. "Aye, but it doesn't seem to bother you. the way you look at him!" Sinbad said laughing softly. "What the hell are you tring to say?!"

Bryn smirked, "No more than it bothered you to have Shirez look at you." "Well..." Sinbad started to say. "And Deanna and Taryn and Dara-" "Ok ok! I get the point!" Sinbad laughed and ruffled her hair, "I suppose I deserved that."

"Probably," Bryn replied and turned to face him, "But you're here now so I forgive you." She reached up and brushed a thumb against his bristled face and drew his mouth down to hers. TAG

The End