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Tag 6

Sinbad and Maeve were walking on the beach. It was the sunset and booth of them was enjoying the presence of each other secretly. As the walked, Sinbad was telling Maeve about his childwood. It was the first time Maeve really heard about his old lifee by his own mouth. When suddenly, out of the blue, he heard a great racket coming from the left of them....from the forest.

Maeve and Sinbad readying their swords awaited their supposed attacker and were surprised to find. A very upset dog. It was running haphazardly toward them with an bad limp.

Barking. sinbad sheathed his sword, smiling with quite amusement. Maeve,however, still looked worried, she was staring intently at a wide gash on the animals hind leg. Sinbad followed her gaze,

'poor, guy' he said with sympathy.

'Sinbad,what do you supose did that?' sinbad looked up startled by the question, and took a closer look at the wound.'

It seemed to have be made by somthing sharp, somthing like a sword or a dagger! Maeve look ed at Sinbad

"We have to do something" She said worry.

"yes but what? we're a good five miles from the ship, and the rest of the crew. The cuts to deep for us to deal with.'

'So?' challenged Maeve, 'You carry him.' Sinbad nodded and picked up the dog, which, promptly licked his face, alot. Sinbad wondered who could be cruel enough to so hurt an animal... His reflections were broken when he heard Maeve say 'Now what will I name him?'

'Oh no' Sinbad muttered, he knew the crew would be even worse.

*Great, ANOTHER pet* he thought.

They were walking for an half of hour when they finally reach the longboat and the rest of the crew. As son as Firouz saw them, he run to them:

'what happened to him' Firouz asked looking at Sinbad's charce.

'Asked this to Maeve!' He replied sarcasticly!

' How am i suppose to know!' Maeve said angree, but with a smile. Doubard walked to them.

'Hey lillte Brother, what's rong? your Romantic evening wasn't great as yuo want it to be?' Doubard asked, laughing of Sinbad. Sinbad just glared at Doubar and climbed into the longboat. Soon the crew was back onboard the Nomad.

Firouz had bandaged the dog and it was now following Sinbad everywhere. Sinbad sighed as he looked behind him. Sinbad knocked on Maeve's door :

'Come in' Maeve called out. Sinbad walked in with the dog right behind him. The dog took one look at Maeve and ran straight into her arms.

'Well hello there little guy, feeling better I see.' She said while petting him lovingly . Sinbad watched slightly jealous, but also releaved.

'I've got to go know' he declared and all but ran out of the room. The dog would not gotten rid of so eaisly though, with a parting lick and a wag of his tail he jumped of Maeve's lap. She could hear the dogs departing steps, a laughed quitely when she heard Sinbad.

'Oh no,' he groaned, and walked off resigned to his fate.


A week later the dog (who was now known as Berel ) had gotten on everyone's good side. He always got scraps from dinner and would even sit in front of Dermott for hours at time, and Sinbad could have sworn the two were in deep conversation.

After supper, Maeve reaced her quarter followed close by Sinbad.

'Maeve, can I talk to you?' he asked as he closed the door behinde him.

'Of course Sinbad, what it is?' she asked worry.

'What 's your feeling about Berel?' sinbad asked to the beautifull sorceress.

'Sinbad...what are you planning on doing to that dog?' Maeve asked warily

'Nothing. Maeve.' Sinbad replied refusing to make eye contact with Maeve.

'I know you too well what are you planning to do with Berel?' Sinbad looked at the fiery-haired beauty and knew his next words were going to hurt her.

'Maeve...' he started reacing for her hand but she stepped away from him. Sinbad heaved a sigh and started again.

'Maeve you know we can't keep Berel on the Nomad forever. So I am going to let him loose on the next island we come to.' Maeve looked at Sinbad as though he had just grown a second head.

'Are you crazy Sinbad. You can't just let a defenceless dog run about on a deserted island' She said her voicing raising.

'Who said anything about a deserted island?' Maeve looked furiuos,

'Berel trusts you, how can you do that to him?' she demanded.

'I didn't want a dog, but we couldn't have left him hurt. now we can let him loose at a village, someone will want him,' Sinbad argued but his voice was supprisingly quite. Maeve took a deep breath

'Why exactly can't we keep him, mmm?' she questioned. Sinbad flinched slightly at her icy tone.'I will not dump a friend,' She declared 'Berel leaves I leave.' Dermott chirped from ther window it was quite clear he would be going too. Sinbad just stood looking at.. TAG!

The End