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A stong wind blew across the deck. Sinbad stood at the tiller. He groaned. Maeve was playing around with the weather again. Atleast the sails were full and they were traveling fast. And she hadn't destroyed the Nomad yet. Then suddenly the wind died down and Maeve appeared on deck. Her face was puzzled.. a problem working through her tired mind.

She had been up for nearly two days working through her spell books, but as of yet not a single one worked as it should. A spell cast to replenish their food supplies broughtwind to their sails. She sighed.. and her stomach rumbled. She knew Sinbad should have stopped at that last port.. too bad he would never listen to her..

oh no.. not the big macho man he believed himself to be. Now they were stuck days from any charted island, with no food and little water... once again... and nothing she could do was helping

. Sinbad looked at her with aguilty little smile, as though he knew exactly what she was thinking, and Maeve glared back in response. She had already forgiven him for his brazen mistake.. but there was no sence in letting the worm off the hook so soon... no.. he'd squirm and suffer for just a little longer. Suddenly a thought popped into her mind.. a worm! Yes! The fishing spell! With a smothered cry she disappeared below deck once more, leaving the men above shaking their heads in confusion.

Doubar turned to Sinbad and grinned, 'The girl is a rather confusing creature is she not, little brother?' Sinbad shrugged, 'Aye, that she isDoubar. Too bad she's so hard to live without.'

Once below Maeve searched her books untill she found what she was looking for. Maeve began to recite. 'Ae, he mea ko'u e ho'ike aku ai, He pono no ka ho'i ke 'au'au kililau!' Soon something started to happen...Maeve waited, slightly worried about the results. Not being sure if her spell would work the way intended or not. Soon loud laughter floated down from the deck, very loud laughter. *my spell shouldn't get that reaction* she had been expecting to hear shouts, then, perhaps, laughter.

She ran topside and found everyone standing at the stern of the ship looking down into the water. She joined them and looked down into the sea. Sinbad was floating in the water, face up. He looked so funny. Maeve giggled. ''Oops. What happened?'' Doubar was laughing very hard. ''Sinbad, had an accident.'' ''What kind if accident?'' Maeve asked as Rongar and Firouz threw Sinbad a line. ''He...he slipped and went tumbling overboard!'' Doubar laughed. Maeve laughed.

''Very funny!! You're all very funny!'' Sinbad shouted, back on deck. He normally had a sense of humor, but he looked angry. ''Back to work. Doubar take the tiller.'' he paused. ''Maeve..We need to TALK.'' Sinbad growled.

Maeve pouted. ''I'm sorry.''

Sinbad gave her the evil eye. ''Sorry!! Is that all you can come up with! ''Sinbad grabbed her arm and pulled her down below to the galley. ''I've been humiliated in front of my whole crew and all you can say is sorry!'' Sinbad yelled. Maeve giggled.

''You're all wet.''

'' 'I KNOW THAT!' Sinbad yelled as he drew Maeve into his cabin. 'Maeve why do you do this to me?'

''Wellllllll' 'Well what?' 'You're just such an easy target.' 'AN EASY TARGET?' Sinbad was more than a little mad by now...Anger clouded Sinbad's every thought... an easy target? An easy TARGET? How could she think such a thing of him!

He was Sinbad for Allah's sake! He was noone's easy target!!! His thoughts paused... but hadn't he become her easy target? Overwhelming emotion clouded his very judgement as she neared him... no matter where they matter what they were doing... she could pin him in place with a mere glance... she could slap him senseless with a gentle sigh. All he longed for was a kiss.. a sweet.. lingering kiss that would take them to the depths of their hearts and to the edges of their minds.. test their limits and push them beyond.

Before he even realized what he was doing he had pulled the firey sorceress into his arms, planting his lips firmly over hers in the kiss he had so longed for. Her back pressed up against the cabin wall.. her mind ablaze with confusion.. and passion. Unable to concentrate on movement she allowed herself to be kissed thoroughly by the handsome captain.. by her friend and comrade. As he broke contact and peered into her eyes the same thought crossed both their minds. Why had they waited so long? ''I...uhh...believe we're both wet now.'' Maeve whispered.

Sinbad brushed his lips against hers. ''Hmmm.'' Maeve wrapped her arms around his wet shirt. ''We uh...we better get you out of those wet clothes, before you catch a cold.''

''We?''Sinbad asked. Maeve blushed.

''Um, did I say we? I meant you.'' She flustered and started to back off. Sinbad trapped her against the wall. ''I don't think you've apologized yet.'' He leaned into her again. Their bodies pinned close together. Maeve's arms went around his wet neck, and she ran her fingers through his hair. ''How would you like me to thank you?'' She whispered huskily. Sinbad smiled.

''I'll leave that up to you.'' Maeve closed her eyes and leaned out for his kiss. Their lips met again. It was a hard, passionate, breath taking kiss. Sinbad couldn't remember a kiss like this one. It was everything he never imagined. It was wild, sweet, beautiful, sensual, passionate. Things he never felt stirred in him. ''Am I forgiven?'' Maeve asked after. 'Not just yet. I mean you've done so much to me lately...I think you have a lot of apologizing yet to do...' 'Oh really?' Maeve asked leaning into Sinbad...She kissed him softly.. holding Sinbad's arms away from her body as she turned and pressed him against the wall.

Their relationship had always been a battle of wills and a battle of hearts... but for now she wouldn't let him take control. Her tongue darted out and dipped sweetly into his mouth... an innocent yet effective move on her part. His body shivered.. his mind quivered... and all reality faded into the horizon as he closed his mind off from all but sensation.

The result of their passion came about moments later.. with Firouz and Rongar hammering in the door, knocking them both flying onto the cabin floor. Spluttering in anger and humilation, Maeve bolted from the room, her cheeks afire.. leaving Sinbad to cope with his overly anxious crew. Rongar had the decency to blush himself.. realizing just what it was he had burst in upon. Firouz merely glanced at Sinbad in mild distraction as he began speaking excitedly.

''Sinbad! We're only a few minutes from--' ''Firouz! I don't care! Let Doubar handle it!''

Sinbad ran off after Maeve. He knocked on her cabin door. ''Maeve!'' ''Just go away Sinbad.'' She couldn't believe what just happened. She loved every moment of his kiss. She never felt this way before, but it was so embarassing. ''Maeve, I'm sorry. It's my fault.'' Sinbad apologized. How ironic that he be apologizing to her. ''Sinbad..just leave. We've created a big enough spectacle.'' ''I don't care!''Sinbad sighed. Maeve slowly opened the door. ''You're still wet.'' Maeve smiled. Sinbad pulled her into his arms. ''So...' 'So you're getting me wet.' 'Well I don't mind being wet as long as your in my arms.' Sinbad said but he suddenly lapsed into a sneezing fit. 'Uggggghhhh...'Sinbad moaned as he stood up. 'Looks like you stayed wet a little too long.' Maeve said stiffling a giggle. 'Not funny.' Sinbad said. 'Come on let's get you into something dry...'

Maeve led Sinbad back to his cabin and helped over to the bed. Sinbad by now was sneezing uncontrobally. Maeve went to the trunk in the corner and pulled out some dry clothes.

'Come on sailor out of those clothes we go.' Sinbad had gone from bad to worse. He was shaking uncontrolaby by now as well as coughing and sneezing. Maeve helped peal Sinbad's shirt off and get him dried off. 'Now about the pants...' Maeve said innocently 'Um.. Yeah..uh..' Sinbad had stopped sneezing and was stuttering now.

Her words were rather unexpected. 'Yeah?' She questioned. Her hands lingering on the waitband of his pants. 'getting modest, I see' She said, smiling at him. Before Sinbad could answer Maeve lowered her head and planted a kiss on Sinbad's shoulder and began to trail kisses down his chest. She stopped when she reached the waistband of his pants.

'Now about these pants.' Sinbad turned bright red and grabbed the dry pants from Maeve. He motioned with his hand for her to turn around while he changed. Maeve smiled and turned around. She hadn't planned on being quite that bold but the reaction on Sinbad's face was well worth it.

Sinbad changed quickly. He was embarressed but more importantly he wanted to know if SHE would be so bold when she changed. He was very glad that he had gotten her wet. He turned around.

'Now what about you?' he asked, 'You got wet too. You must be pretty cold,' He smiled. Maeve turned to face Sinbad and said 'Um I think I'll go change in my cabin...'Maeve stuttered as she backed away towards the door. Sinbad was faster though and pinned her against the door. 'Why Maeve your not turning modest on me now are you?'

Sinbad asked innocently. Maeve blushed and tried to think of a approriate response. Ah hell. Maeve thought and leaned forward to capture Sinbad in a kiss that made her go weak in the knees. Sinbad reached up and locked the door, not stopping the kiss. Maeve was leaning forward, and absently pulling on Sinbad's recently put on shirt. *what a pain* she thought *He tucked it in, wait a minuete maybe not* Maeve yanked the shirt out of his pants and accidently ripped it down the middle in her haste to remove it.

Sinbad groande as he fumbled with the laces on Maeve's vest and guided them towards the bed. ' with....these laces...'Sinbad mumbled in between kisses. Maeve giggled and. 'I'm... going ... to... rip' Sinbad suited words to action as he ripped her vest.

They had gotten to the bed by now, and fell back on it, pulling Maeve with him. He kissed her again, deeply, as he continued to pull on the rest of her clothes. He was not aware of the sound outside. If he had been he still wouldn't have cared.

Outside the door stood Doubar, Firouz and Rongar. 'Do you think they've killed each other yet?' Firouz asked. 'Not yet...'came Doubar's reply. 'It's awfully quiet.' A giggle from inside silenced there curisoties as they realized just what was going on inside.

Doubar chuckled as he hearded his friends away from the door. A wide grin plastered across his face. 'It's about time.' Doubar said silently to himself. Meanwhile Maeve was going after Sinbad's pants with a vengance. They just refused to come off. Maeve giggled as Sinbad seemed to be having similar problems with the rest of her clothes...Sinbad had given up with kindly slowly taking off her clothes, he no longer cared if he ripped them. 'hold still... for... five... seconds'

Maeve was frustrated, finaly she just pulled Sinbad's belt knife off his dresser and cut the waistband. She kissed him, at the same time as she finaly managed to get his pants to slide down. Sinbad ripped the rest of Maeve's shirt off and started trailing kisses down her body.

Maeve moaned and pulled Sinbad's mouth to hers letting her tongue explore his mouth. Sinbad moaned in pleasure as Maeve worked her way slowly down his body. Soon they let their bodies join together two souls melding into one as their passions ignited leaving them both feeling breathless afterwards.

Each wondered why they had denied the passion that existed between them. The love and understanding that was hidden away had finally surfaced and now that it was found it would never be lost again.

Their unification was like two lost souls finding one another...the fates had truely blessed this couple.Maeve curled against Sinbad and the couple soon fell asleep. The next morning Sinbad awoke to fnd Maeve misssing... and he wonderd if it was all just a dream. 'God, don't let it be a dream, if it was, I can never look at Maeve the same again.'

Frustratedly he beat his fists into the pillow and covered his head with it, vowing to stay there the rest of the day. Then he heard someone call to him, Maeve: 'Sinbad?' 'Mayph' it called back, his voice muffled by the pillow he had forgot to remove. 'What?!' Maeve asked jerking the pillow off his head and laughing at his bed-head appearnance.

She stradled his waist still luaghing. 'Morning sleephead, how do you feel?'. 'I think you may have cut me last night with my dagger.'

'Really?' ' I guess I'll just have to kiss it and make it all better...' 'I think I can handle that...' Sinbad smiled and drew Maeve down for a kiss.

Maeve moaned in pleasure and deepened the kiss. A knock at the door silenced the moment all too soon.

'Sinbad?' Sinbad rolled his eyes. Firouz had perfect timing as usual.

'Yes Firouz?' Sinbad asked trying not to laugh. 'Have you seen Maeve today? I can't seem to find her.' Sinbad and Maeve both turned red. The crew would never let them live this one down.

In a higher, nearly squeaky voice, Sinbad answered in a drawl

'Nooooo....I haven't seen her...' 'Well if you do---' 'I'll let you know, sure, yeah, buh-bye!' Sinbad replied, his voice rising another decible as Maeve nibbled on his ear. 'Oh wait a minute, I have something for you to try out, a new I'll show it to you in your room,' Firouz responded completely oblivious to the fact that

Sinbad was lying and he and Maeve were in a very compromising position. 'um, no, I haven't seen her,' he said staring at Maeve. 'She's probably sleeping, like I was, I wouldn't check though, she keeps having you fix that chair for a reason.' Maeve glared at him, but she didn't mean it. 'um.. yeah, you're probably right,'

Sinbad heard the inventor walk down the hall. Sinbad grinned proud of himself and kissed Maeve again. After Firouz had left Maeve sighed. 'i should probably be going. No resean to get into that kind situation twice in one day.'

'Yes there is.' sinbad commented with a grin. He deftly flipped over so that he was on top of Maeve and began to kiss her patiently...

The End