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Tears From Hell

Rumina walked on the shore. The night had come. She could feel the gentle breeze in her hair. Facing the sea, she stopped. She held her arms on her chest to keep warmth. Sadly, she remembered them. Her mother, her sister, those she loved and who loved her. She missed them.

"Bryn.." she recalled "It was her birthday today.." she sighed sadly, "I hope you are safe, somewhere." She felt tears coming to her eyes. No, she was not going to cry, not for something that happened so long ago! She dried her tears on her eyes before they got the chance to roll down her cheeks.

"More than fifteen years now, since I last saw you and mom.. Sometimes I wish she would have brought me with you. Maybe I wouldn't have turned evil if I'd come with you!" Again, Rumina dried her tears. She sat down on the sand and rested her head on her knees, wrapped by her arms.

The nigh was cloudy, the wind seemed to blow harder as if it was in reacting with her pain. "At night, I was quietly crying for I was missing you. You were my only friend, the only person who really understood me. I couldn't understand why mom had left like that, taking you with her and letting me behind! Dad neither I think. But later I understood. Mother knew from the beginning that, since she was Good and father was Evil, one of us would be the light and the other one the dark side of their alliance. And she knew who would be what!" She sniffled. Her tears had now found the way down her cheeks.

"We were both innocent kids, playing and having fun while learning how to use our magic. Once you were gone, Father decided it was time to me to learn the real magic. I used to wonder if they ever loved each other, Mom and Dad. Now that I know about their marriage and why and how we were born, I doubt she ever love him. In fact, she must hates him.. and me." She cried, holding her knees tight against her chest. "But I loved her!!! And you!! And I still love you, both of you!"

She looked up at the sea, facing the wind blowing in her hair. "Maybe if mom would have taken me with you, I wouldn't have become the Evil person I am. Maybe I would be married by now. Maybe Sinbad would have been my husband. But now he hates me. Everybody hates me!" She got up, mad with herself. Tears were still falling down her cheeks, unstoppable.

"I don't know who I am anymore. I don't know what I want to be. Bryn, my sister, I wish you could be with me. Taking me in your arms like you used to be when we were young, to comfort me." She sniffled again, and walked toward the sea. "I sometime wish I was never born. I killed to many people. I am really Evil. Oh my Good little sister, I miss you so much. But I know that even if I would find you someday, it would never be the same. And you would hate me for all the wrong actions I've done."

Rumina stopped walking as she reach the water. Farther away, she could hear the thunderstorm coming toward her. "I used to think that once dead, we would be together again. But now I know it would never happen. You'll go to Heaven, along with Mother. And I'll join Father to Hell. At least, I won't be alone down there. And I know he loves me. As he loved you."

Slowly, she started to walk into the water. Raising her hands to a lightning, some last tears fell down her cheeks. The sea was agitated, the storm was close. "Now I'm going to join him. I have enough of being alone and hated in this world. I hope you forgive me someday.." And with that, her tears got mixed at the sea as a wave dipped over her head led her to the One she now hated the most.

The End
