Superfly's Kick Ass Site

Welcome to my site. Look around!
Oh, and when you are through, checkout my BARTENDING site!

My 60's and 70's music pages..Zeppelin, Hendrix, Pink floyd, etc
Some cool graphics links
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About me and what I have to say to the jackholes who piss me off
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Funny and Bizarre Shit

Another shameless plug for my other site...what can I say?

Click for Montgomery, Alabama Forecast
I'm glad you found my site, and I hope you enjoy it. If you have a website, be sure to apply for one of my awards. I'm not gonna beg your ass to sign my guestbook, but it would be really cool if you did! Thanks, man.
Guestbook by GuestWorld
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These pages are not sponsered by, affiliated with, or supported by a damn thing. If you don't like it, get the fuck outta here, cause I don't want to hear your bitching.
Copyright 1998 Debi D. Dallas.