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I work extensively with individuals who have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I have my knowledge here, but would appreciate any more information.

Before I begin, I should state that this information if through my own experience working with individuals who have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Unless I mention a source, then it is only my opinion and observances. If you disagree with anything I have stated, feel free to e-mail me and let me know. I also do not claim to be an expert in this field, and will add more information as I continue to learn about this problem.

Unbelievably, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a problem that is largely ignored, even in communities where it is prevelant and quite common. In working with individuals who have FAS, I have come to learn a number of things about this dysfunction that I was never taught in school. I found it frustrating to begin working with FAS individuals because I did not understand the symptoms or the causes.

My hope in this section is to teach some of the symptoms and frustrations so that when working with a client with FAS, other Social Workers will understand why these symptoms exist.

I have found that when first meeting an individual with FAS, they present as very intelligent and aware. However, individuals with FAS have a great deal of difficulty considering the future. I often found it frustrating that the adult I was working with would not seem to follow through on tasks; either that I have requested, or that they have suggested themselves. There is no doubt that individuals with FAS still love their children and partners very much, although at times it may seem like this is not true. In my experience, parents may not contact their children when the children may be placed in foster care; but we must not make the assumption that they do not love their children because of this.

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