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World Cricket League 99

Join News Results Teams League Ladder Manager Reports Statistics Records Conference Centre

Welcome to the World Cricket League 99 website.

World Cricket League Is a PBeM cricket game that involves the managers of each team making decisions as to who to play in each match, what the batting order is, transfers, and much more. Visit the How To Join section to find out more. Results for matches are determined using a cricket simulation game made by John Clifford and his brother Rick, both of whom run WCL99.

About Us

John Clifford is a 24 year old computer programmer who works for a small company in his home city of Adelaide in Australia. He enjoys going to the football (AFL), cricket and soccer aswell as reading, working and playing sport- being a fitness fanatic. Currently he is working on two projects- the cricket simulator and the first ever Australian Football simulation game.

Rick is a 14 year old high school student who does most of the work on this website while John concentrates on the game itself. He fancies himself as quite a good cricketer and hopes one day to represent his country (yeah right- maybe I should move to New Zealand). Other hobbies include playing football, his beloved Playstation and surfing the net.

Features This Month:

We will be getting every manager to send in a pre-season report, detailing what they hope to achieve and what they think of the revamped WCL 99. Reports can be read at the all new Manager Reports page.

The introduction of two new web pages- Manager Reports and League Ladder.

*The Conference Centre has been opened. This room is a great place for managers to discuss and ask questions about any part of the game.*

John Clifford, Rick Clifford.

© 1999 World Cricket League. All rights reserved.

Revised: April 1, 1999.