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6th Level Teachings


As a 6th Level member, you now have authority to decide matters concerning the 1st Church of Polyamory. In practice, we prefer to let an administrator make decisions, which we can veto if a majority of us do not like. When we feel the need to discipline a member of the 1st Church of Polyamory, we usually remove Levels from them. If we remove all of the Levels from a person, that person has been cast out from our Church. But the more Levels we try to remove in the space of a single year, the more of us have to agree to it. 1 Level can be removed by a simple majority vote. 2 Levels require a 2/3 majority to remove. 3 Levels require a ¾ majority to remove. 4 Levels require a 6/7 majority to remove. 5 Levels require a consensus minus 1 to remove. 6 Levels require a unanimous vote. 7 Levels require a unanimous vote of all 6th and 7th level members 7th Level 7th Level is only held briefly by most people. It is an act of service. A 7th Level member is totally dedicated to the healing and pleasure of others. The Council must elect them to their position. But candidates may, in rare cases, not yet be 6th Level themselves. Candidates for 7th Level have already been acting as if they were 7th Level for some time before the council grants their degree. Candidates for 7th Level may not ask for their degree unless they are already 6th Level members. 7th Level members who retire after serving for at least a year and a day automatically become 6th Level members unless rejected by 6/7 of the council. Note that this may allow even 1st Level members to become 7th Level. Requirements for 7th Level (from 1st - 5th Level) 7th Level candidates should be: 1) Prepared to have sex with their initiators as part of their initiation. 2) Has been acting as if they were already 7th Level 3) Be more familiar with the non-secret 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Level material than they were at their most recent Level initiation. 4) Be more familiar with the secret Level material they are entitled to possess than they were at their most recent Level initiation. 5) Have formed a Primary (spousal) bond with all current members of their Pod Requirements for 7th Level (from 6th Level) 7th Level candidates should be: 6) Prepared to have sex with their initiators as part of their initiation. 7) Has been acting as if they were already 7th Level 8) Has been 6th Level for at least one year. 9) Be more familiar with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Level material than they were at their 6th Level initiation. 10) Have formed a Primary (spousal) bond with all current members of their Pod 11) Be part of a Pod where all current members have attained at least 6th Level.

1st church of polyamory Web Sites

Main Page - 1st Church of Polyamory
Pods (local congregations or families)
The First Level teachings: Part One
5th Level Teachings
7th Level Teachings
So you want to start a Pod?