Descendants of Samuel Berry
1 Samuel Berry 1680 - 1753
.... +Ann Cawood? WFT Est. 1668-1694 - WFT Est. 1723-1783
......... 2 Humphrey Berry, Sr. 1705 - 1772
............... +Ann Lovejoy 1723 - WFT Est. 1755-1817
.................... 3 Samuel Berry 1742 - WFT Est. 1762-1833
............................... 4 Joseph Berry 1751 - WFT
Est. 1763-1842
............................... 4 Samuel Berry 1753 - WFT
Est. 1759-1844
............................... 4 Benjamin Berry 1756 -
WFT Est. 1757-1846
............................... 4 Mary Ann Berry 1758 -
WFT Est. 1759-1852
.................... 3 Hezekiah Berry 1742 - WFT Est. 1763-1832
............................... 4 Hepburn S. Berry WFT
Est. 1763-1792 - WFT Est. 1769-1871
............................... 4 George M. Berry WFT Est.
1763-1792 - WFT Est. 1769-1871
.................... 3 Benjamin Berry 1745 - 1804
.......................... +Chloe WFT Est. 1741-1760 - WFT Est.
............................... 4 Verlinde Berry WFT Est.
1766-1794 - WFT Est. 1771-1876
.................... 3 Joseph Berry 1747 - WFT Est. 1748-1837
.................... 3 John Berry 1752 - 1812
.......................... +Martha Collier WFT Est. 1750-1782
- WFT Est. 1806-1869
............................... 4 William Berry, Sr. 1804
- 1881
...................................... +Sarah Nelson 1805 - 1883
........................................... 5 John Nelson
Berry 1823 - 1877
................................................. +Elizabeth
Moore 1829 - 1908
...................................................... 6
John G. Berry WFT Est. 1845-1870 - WFT Est. 1851-1951
...................................................... 6
Monroe Berry WFT Est. 1845-1870 - WFT Est. 1851-1951
...................................................... 6
Robert L. Berry WFT Est. 1845-1870 - WFT Est. 1851-1951
...................................................... 6
Sarah J. Berry 1844 - 1931
+John Stamps 1831 - 1887
................................................................. 7
Francis Missouri Stamps 1868 - 1957
+Ewell Cummings Farquhar 1866 - 1936
................................................................. 7
Lum Stamps 1866 - WFT Est. 1867-1960
................................................................. 7
James Stamps WFT Est. 1856-1883 - WFT Est. 1863-1964
................................................................. 7
Lizzie Stamps WFT Est. 1856-1883 - WFT Est. 1862-1967
................................................................. 7
Callie V. Stamps 1871 - 1948
...................................................... 6
Selena Caddie Berry 1849 - 1881
+Garrison WFT Est. 1832-1852 - WFT Est. 1866-1938
...................................................... 6
Elizabeth A. Berry 1854 - WFT Est. 1868-1948
+Robert M. Cochran WFT Est. 1837-1857 - WFT Est. 1871-1943
...................................................... 6
Mary Berry 1854 - WFT Est. 1868-1948
+Frank W. Hallmark WFT Est. 1837-1857 - WFT Est. 1871-1943
...................................................... 6
Martha Berry 1856 - WFT Est. 1870-1950
+John J. Deavors WFT Est. 1839-1859 - WFT Est. 1873-1945
...................................................... 6
George W. Berry 1858 - WFT Est. 1859-1948
...................................................... 6
William "Billy" Berry 1859 - 1922
...................................................... 6
Sidney Berry 1860 - 1951
+Elizabeth Barnes 1872 - 1930
................................................................. 7
Jeptha Fenton Berry 1890 - WFT Est. 1891-1980
................................................................. 7
Robert B. Berry 1892 - 1917
................................................................. 7
John B. Berry 1894 - 1905
................................................................. 7
Horace E. Berry 1897 - WFT Est. 1914-1987
+Nell Delany Mickey Private -
................................................................. 7
Lillian Eva Berry 1899 - WFT Est. 1917-1993
+M. Brooks WFT Est. 1882-1902 - WFT Est. 1917-1988
8 June Brooks Private -
................................................................. 7
Ruth Mary Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Paul H. Berry Private -
+Rhea A. Billingsley Private -
8 Maurine Elizabeth Berry Private -
+John T. Peterson Private -
8 Paula Ann Berry Private -
+Dennis W. Brown Private -
8 Carolyn Jane Berry Private -
+Russell Hunter Private -
................................................................. 7
Jewel Frances Berry Private -
+Virgil Christian Private -
................................................................. 7
Boyd Cruce Berry 1911 - WFT Est. 1928-1998
+Dorothy Private -
........................................... 5 Nancy Berry
1825 - 1906
................................................. +George Washington
Brazil 1815 - 1899
...................................................... 6
Sarah Elizabeth Brazil 1846 - 1923
+Robert Pickle WFT Est. 1821-1847 - WFT Est. 1871-1934
...................................................... 6
Hannah G. Brazil 1849 - 1908
+James Bailey WFT Est. 1826-1852 - WFT Est. 1877-1939
...................................................... 6
Rufus Brazil 1853 - WFT Est. 1881-1944
+Ruth E. Romine WFT Est. 1837-1861 - WFT Est. 1880-1950
...................................................... 6
Isabelle Callie Brazil 1856 - WFT Est. 1879-1950
+James Eldridge Guthrie WFT Est. 1828-1856 - WFT Est. 1878-1943
...................................................... 6
Mary Snow Brazil 1860 - 1917
+Columbus Walter Romine 1858 - 1894
................................................................. 7
Althia Virena Romine 1879 - 1944
+Elijah Bishop 1873 - 1956
8 Larry Lee Bishop Private -
+Paul Waites 1905 - 1976
9 Dennis Larry Waites Private -
+Gladys Janice Sims Private -
10 Jeffery Allen Waites Private -
10 Lee Austin Waites Private -
10 Christy Shelter Waites Private -
9 Douglas Eugene Waites Private -
+Patricia Irene Winette Private -
10 Tracy Elizabeth Waites Private -
10 Kimberly Ann Waites Private -
*2nd Wife of Douglas Eugene Waites:
+Martha Marshall Herring Private -
9 James Ray Waites Private -
+Janet Cecella Overholser Private -
10 Dwight Paul Waites Private -
10 Christopher Bryan Waites Private -
...................................................... 6
James Samuel Brazil 1862 - 1919
+Mollie Bell House WFT Est. 1854-1876 - WFT Est. 1898-1965
...................................................... 6
Bathsheba Savannah Brazil 1866 - 1948
+Lewis N. Whitley WFT Est. 1849-1869 - WFT Est. 1883-1955
...................................................... 6
Rodney F. Brazil 1869 - 1946
+Martha Pasley WFT Est. 1865-1885 - WFT Est. 1886-1969
...................................................... 6
George Washington Brazil, Jr. 1871 - WFT Est. 1872-1961
...................................................... 6
Eldridge Guthrie Brazil 1875 - 1950
+Lea Myrtle Evans WFT Est. 1865-1886 - WFT Est. 1908-1975
................................................................. 7
Polly Brazil Private -
........................................... 5 Henry B.
Berry 1829 - 1895
................................................. +Elizabeth
Farquhar WFT Est. 1824-1849 - WFT Est. 1871-1937
........................................... 5 Sarah Mary
"Polly" Berry 1830 - 1881
................................................. +John Collier
WFT Est. 1800-1830 - WFT Est. 1850-1917
........................................... 5 Sylvester
Berry 1831 - 1903
................................................. +Sarah Redman
Johnson 1836 - 1915
...................................................... 6
Sherman Berry 1852 - WFT Est. 1853-1942
...................................................... 6
James Abernathy Berry 1853 - WFT Est. 1887-1944
+Arminta Ellen Hamilton 1849 - 1872
................................................................. 7
Mary Ann Berry 1878 - 1946
+Robert Thomas Steele WFT Est. 1853-1880 - WFT Est. 1904-1967
................................................................. 7
Dora Berry 1881 - 1958
+W. Ed (Ritter) Harris WFT Est. 1858-1885 - WFT Est. 1910-1971
................................................................. 7
Cora Berry 1881 - WFT Est. 1908-1975
+A. W. Richardson WFT Est. 1856-1883 - WFT Est. 1907-1970
................................................................. 7
Norma Berry 1884 - WFT Est. 1898-1978
+John Ashley WFT Est. 1867-1887 - WFT Est. 1901-1973
...................................................... 6
Mathilde Jane Berry 1854 - 1931
+John Canterbury 1847 - 1937
................................................................. 7
Walter Canterbury 1874 - 1959
+Mattie Williams WFT Est. 1870-1890 - WFT Est. 1891-1974
................................................................. 7
Lee Canterbury 1876 - 1920
+Elo Anderson WFT Est. 1872-1891 - WFT Est. 1893-1976
................................................................. 7
Willie Canterbury 1878 - 1881
................................................................. 7
Frank Canterbury 1880 - 1964
+Clemmie Rayford WFT Est. 1876-1896 - WFT Est. 1897-1980
................................................................. 7
Bob Canterbury 1882 - 1963
+Mariah Baker WFT Est. 1878-1898 - WFT Est. 1899-1982
................................................................. 7
Lula Canterbury 1884 - 1885
................................................................. 7
Charles Canterbury 1886 - WFT Est. 1903-1976
+Daisy Gentry WFT Est. 1882-1902 - WFT Est. 1903-1986
................................................................. 7
Luther Canterbury 1889 - 1961
+Rose Milsch WFT Est. 1885-1905 - WFT Est. 1906-1989
................................................................. 7
Ruth Emma Canterbury 1890 - 1924
+Robert L. Long WFT Est. 1873-1893 - WFT Est. 1907-1979
................................................................. 7
Abby Canterbury 1893 - 1894
................................................................. 7
Jess Canterbury 1894 - 1957
+Mary Wooten Private -
...................................................... 6
William Sanford Berry 1856 - 1922
+Maggie Beard WFT Est. 1835-1861 - 1880
................................................................. 7
Conly "Connie" Berry 1876 - WFT Est. 1893-1966
+Mary Lela Reid WFT Est. 1872-1892 - WFT Est. 1893-1976
................................................................. 7
Alvary Berry 1878 - WFT Est. 1879-1968
...................................................... *2nd Wife
of William Sanford Berry:
+Alice Elaine Murphy 1855 - 1897
................................................................. 7
Della Adell Berry 1880 - 1944
+Elijah Andrew Washington Schrimpf WFT Est. 1852-1884 - WFT Est. 1918-1969
8 Andrew Nicholas Schrimpf 1897 - 1983
+Thelma Patterson Private -
9 Lilian Margery Schrimpf Private -
9 Herbert Samuel Schrimpf Stillborn - WFT Est. 1918-1947
9 Phyllis Rae Schrimpf Private -
9 Andrea Elizabeth Schrimpf 1922 - 1928
9 John Milton Schrimpf Private -
9 Ruth Evelyn Schrimpf Private -
8 Lois Alice Schrimpf 1899 - WFT Est. 1913-1993
+Gilbert Edwards Tice WFT Est. 1882-1902 - WFT Est. 1916-1988
8 Lloyd Alfred Schrimpf 1901 - 1976
+Florence Mary Redhage Private -
9 Lloyd Alfred Schrimpf 1922 - 1924
9 Mary Helen Schrimpf Private -
+Paul August Ross Private -
10 Bonnie Elaine Ross Private -
+Larry Dexter Jones Private -
11 Megan Jones Private -
*2nd Husband of Bonnie Elaine Ross:
+John Ennis Private -
10 Carol Janelle Ross Private -
+Mark Eric Yuska Private -
11 Allison Yuska Private -
11 Louren Yuska Private -
*2nd Husband of Mary Helen Schrimpf:
+Richard Reedy Private -
*3rd Husband of Mary Helen Schrimpf:
+Joseph Chavez Private -
9 Bonnie June Schrimpf Private -
+Paul Allen Pletcher Private -
10 Janeva Kay Pletcher Private -
+John Carl Bailey Private -
11 Jonathan Andrew Bailey 1974 - 1974
11 Johanna Kay Bailey Private -
+Peter David Boyes Private -
12 Zachary Quinn Boyes Private -
10 Joyce Anne Pletcher Private -
+Kevin Dale Creed Private -
11 Carillion Elaine Creed Private -
11 Cameron Elizabeth Creed Private -
11 Caleb Elisha Paul Creed Private -
10 Marilyn Sue Pletcher Private -
+Edward William Tillery Private -
11 Carolyn Suzanne Tillery Private -
10 Myrna Jean Pletcher Private -
10 Timothy Paul Pletcher Private -
10 Rebecca Michelle Pletcher Private -
+Ronald Scott Barton Private -
11 Briana Barton Private -
11 Barek Barton Private -
11 Bodin Paul Barton Private -
10 Donna Michelle Saldago Private -
8 Bonnie Lee Schrimpf 1902 - 1997
+William I. Pearson WFT Est. 1885-1905 - WFT Est. 1919-1991
9 Don Jones Private -
8 Herbert Samuel Schrimpf 1904 - 1917
8 Theodore Chalmers Schrimpf 1905 - 1971
+Minnie Howard Private -
9 Theodore Chalmers Schrimpf, Jr. Private -
*2nd Wife of Theodore Chalmers Schrimpf:
+Emmy Unknown Private -
*3rd Wife of Theodore Chalmers Schrimpf:
+Emma Lou McElraith Private -
9 Larry Bruce Schrimpf Private -
9 Robert Lloyd Schrimpf Private -
8 Julius Victor Schrimpf 1908 - 1966
+Lillian Laddie Weber Private -
8 Elsa Constance Schrimpf Private -
+Roy Mims Private -
9 William Roy Mims Private -
8 Mildred Pauline Schrimpf Private -
+Larry Johnson Private -
9 Barbara Adele Johnson Private -
*2nd Husband of Mildred Pauline Schrimpf:
+Cletus Carlyle Private -
................................................................. 7
Sylvester Charles Berry 1884 - 1933
+Ceola Cooper WFT Est. 1875-1897 - WFT Est. 1919-1986
................................................................. 7
William Berry 1889 - 1904
................................................................. 7
Fred Ulysses Johnson Brown Berry 1894 - 1993
+Harriet Marley WFT Est. 1879-1903 - WFT Est. 1922-1991
*2nd Wife of Fred Ulysses Johnson Brown Berry:
+Florence Mary Redhage Private -
................................................................. 7
Arthur Ernest Berry 1896 - 1926
...................................................... *3rd Wife
of William Sanford Berry:
+Arizona Bailey 1881 - 1967
................................................................. 7
Laden Sanford Berry Private -
+Virgie Custer 1901 - 1952
................................................................. 7
Julian Claude Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Vinnie Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Abbie Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Lillie Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Myrtle Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
William Sanford Berry, Jr. Private -
................................................................. 7
Lonnie Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Tillman Berry Private -
...................................................... 6
Henry B. Berry 1858 - 1942
+Martha Estelle Heard WFT Est. 1854-1874 - WFT Est. 1875-1958
...................................................... 6
George Washington Berry 1860 - 1940
+Nancy Hays 1870 - 1926
................................................................. 7
Turner Berry 1890 - WFT Est. 1891-1980
................................................................. 7
Roscoe C. "Tot" Berry 1893 - 1978
................................................................. 7
Alice Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Jesse J. Berry 1897 - 1923
................................................................. 7
Walter Berry 1901 - WFT Est. 1902-1991
................................................................. 7
Eddie Berry 1903 - 1937
................................................................. 7
Julius Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Otto Berry Private -
...................................................... 6
Emma Francis Berry 1864 - WFT Est. 1886-1958
+Andrew John Hamilton 1855 - WFT Est. 1886-1946
................................................................. 7
James Perry Hamilton 1882 - 1937
+Pearl Myrtle Perdew WFT Est. 1878-1897 - WFT Est. 1899-1982
*2nd Wife of James Perry Hamilton:
+Mary Corzine Lemley WFT Est. 1878-1897 - WFT Est. 1899-1982
...................................................... 6
John F. Berry 1871 - WFT Est. 1872-1961
...................................................... 6
Ulysses L. Berry 1872 - 1953
+Annie Mae Watson 1872 - 1958
................................................................. 7
Sally Leo Berry 1898 - 1971
+George Dewey "Buck" Cummings WFT Est. 1881-1901 - WFT Est. 1916-1987
8 Joy Lee Cummings Private -
+Maurice Essary Private -
................................................................. 7
Audy Edmond Berry 1900 - 1974
+Mae Todd Private -
................................................................. 7
Claudy Berry 1900 - 1900
................................................................. 7
Sherman Edwin Berry 1902 - 1983
................................................................. 7
Frederick Earl Berry 1904 - 1975
+Gertrude Williams Private -
................................................................. 7
Roscoe Shelby Berry 1906 - 1991
+Ida Merle Ellis Private -
................................................................. 7
Maymie Berry 1907 - 1907
................................................................. 7
Neva Agnes Berry Private -
+Ernest Garroutte Private -
*2nd Husband of Neva Agnes Berry:
+Henry Hannah Private -
................................................................. 7
Carl Darvin Berry 1911 - 1988
+Lois Leggett Private -
................................................................. 7
Arzelle Berry 1913 - 1994
+Frank Dunham Private -
................................................................. 7
Eula Faye Berry 1914 - 1920
................................................................. 7
Hazel Argene Berry Private -
+Leamon Lloyd Miller 1909 - 1988
8 Emmett Lee Miller Private -
+Julie Andersen Private -
8 Charles David Miller Private -
+Dorothy Mauldin Private -
*2nd Husband of Hazel Argene Berry:
+William Don McMahon Private -
................................................................. 7
Sherley Berry Private -
+Verna Jearldine McBrayer Private -
8 Michael Wayne Berry Private -
+Brenda Joyce Wyche Private -
9 Teresa Louise Berry Private -
+David Allen Fox Private -
10 Chelsea Dawn Fox Private -
10 Kristin Rene'e Fox Private -
*2nd Wife of Michael Wayne Berry:
+Gloria Dylnn James Private -
9 Tammy Dylnn Berry Private -
+Steve Grosz Private -
9 Tiffany Ann Berry Private -
+Michael Wall Private -
10 James Austin Wall Private -
8 Melinda Gayle Berry Private -
+Dennis Larry Hill Private -
9 Sohnie Fredrick Hill Private -
...................................................... 6
Lee S. Berry 1877 - WFT Est. 1878-1967
........................................... 5 Elizabeth
Ann Berry 1833 - WFT Est. 1871-1928
................................................. +John Rainey
1833 - 1887
........................................... 5 Robert L.
Berry, Sr. 1839 - WFT Est. 1871-1930
................................................. +Onesnes Annie
Hyder WFT Est. 1819-1846 - WFT Est. 1871-1935
...................................................... 6
George W. Berry 1858 - 1940
+Nancy J. Newton 1852 - 1934
................................................................. 7
Mae Berry 1882 - WFT Est. 1908-1976
+George Thompson 1880 - WFT Est. 1908-1971
................................................................. 7
Sidney Aaron Berry 1884 - 1946
+Louise Keith WFT Est. 1880-1899 - WFT Est. 1901-1984
................................................................. 7
Thomas B. Berry 1885 - WFT Est. 1919-1976
+Vivian Hall 1895 - WFT Est. 1920-1989
................................................................. 7
Horace E. Berry 1887 - WFT Est. 1931-1979
+Velma Branyon 1892 - WFT Est. 1931-1987
8 James Daniel Berry Private -
+Laura Collins Private -
8 Horace E. Berry, Jr. Private -
8 George Harold Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Daniel W. Berry 1888 - 1919
................................................................. 7
John Newton Berry 1891 - 1973
................................................................. 7
Maggie Berry 1894 - WFT Est. 1910-1988
+Felix H. Treadway 1891 - WFT Est. 1910-1982
................................................................. 7
Ruth Berry 1896 - WFT Est. 1926-1990
+C. Linton Smith 1891 - WFT Est. 1926-1982
...................................................... 6
Robert L. Berry, Jr. 1862 - 1948
+Sallie A. Webb 1866 - 1938
................................................................. 7
Fenton Berry 1888 - 1935
+Corenna Elizabeth White 1893 - 1975
8 Fenton Roy Berry 1916 - 1973
+Mary Alice Steele Private -
9 Michael Roy Berry 1941 - 1941
9 Susan Alice Berry Private -
+Robert Buist Warren Private -
10 Mark Lee Warren Private -
+Dorothy Lorraine Gregory Private -
11 Amber Nicole Warren Private -
11 Scott Michael Warren Private -
*2nd Wife of Mark Lee Warren:
+Pamela Gay Warwick Private -
11 Kayla Anne Warren Private -
10 Dennis Paul Warren Private -
9 Karen Elizabeth Berry Private -
+Kerry Otis Randel Private -
10 Kelly Renee Randel Private -
...................................................... 6
Silas Berry WFT Est. 1860-1889 - WFT Est. 1866-1968
........................................... 5 Cinthia Berry
1841 - 1899
................................................. +Albert A.
Dobbs 1835 - 1922
........................................... 5 William Berry,
Jr. 1842 - 1913
................................................. +Mariah Gertrude
Culpepper 1851 - 1947
...................................................... 6
Sarah Ella Berry 1870 - 1963
+Andrew Elijah Patterson 1863 - 1924
................................................................. 7
Carl Jackson Patterson 1890 - WFT Est. 1907-1980
+Stella Burdeshaw WFT Est. 1886-1906 - WFT Est. 1907-1990
................................................................. 7
Ida Pearl Patterson 1892 - 1981
+Andrew Curtis Oswald 1884 - 1944
................................................................. 7
William Elmer Patterson 1894 - 1968
+Lula Belle Dean 1892 - 1980
8 William Elmer Patterson, Jr. 1918 - 1980
+Dorothy Culverhouse Carr 1922 - 1992
9 Jessica Patterson Private -
9 Marsha Patterson Private -
9 Georgia Patterson Private -
8 Lois Patterson Private -
+Clifton Shelby Lindsey Private -
9 Margaret Lou Lindsey Private -
+Donald Foss Smith, Jr. Private -
10 Donald Foss Smith III Private -
10 Kathryn Margaret Smith Private -
10 Christopher Lindsey Smith Private -
9 Judith Ann Lindsey Private -
+Michael Earl Howington Private -
10 Susanna Frances Howington Private -
+John William McClellan Private -
11 Mark William McClellan Private -
11 Lorainne Kathryn McClellan Private -
10 Amanda Kathryn Howington Private -
+Garvis Anthony Ward Private -
10 Timothy Earl Howington Private -
10 Eric Brandon Howington Private -
9 Richard Clifton Lindsey Private -
+Pamela Sue White Private -
10 Mary Grace Lindsey Private -
10 Richard William Lindsey Private -
10 Shelby Lea Lindsey Private -
9 Janet Marie Lindsey Private -
+Grant Wolf Snowhill Private -
10 Duncan Elijah Snowhill Private -
8 Annelou Patterson Private -
+Miles Patrick MacGran Private -
9 Kathrine Ann MacGran Private -
+Albert Morris Private -
10 Gretchen Alexandra Morris Private -
10 Heidi Ellen Morris Private -
*2nd Husband of Kathrine Ann MacGran:
+Randy Bachman Private -
9 Mary Eileen MacGran Private -
+Julio Monge-Acuna Private -
10 Julie Ann Monge-Acuna Private -
10 John Paul Monge-Acuna Private -
10 James Patrick Monge-Acuna Private -
9 Ellen Louise MacGran Private -
9 Margaret Joan MacGran Private -
+Gregory VanArsdale Private -
*2nd Husband of Margaret Joan MacGran:
+Jeffrey Foster Private -
10 Jared Adam Foster Private -
9 Patrick Charles MacGran Private -
8 Robert Andrew Patterson Private -
+Edna Private -
9 Robert Patterson Private -
*2nd Wife of Robert Andrew Patterson:
+Frances Bagwell Private -
9 William Patterson Private -
................................................................. 7
Ira Newberne Patterson 1898 - 1983
+Sara Lou Bobo Private -
................................................................. 7
Alice Odessa Patterson 1902 - 1903
................................................................. 7
Lucy Gertrude Patterson Private -
+Roland Gardner Private -
*2nd Husband of Lucy Gertrude Patterson:
+H. K. Steckel Private -
................................................................. 7
Linnie Olene Patterson Private -
+James D. Shobe Private -
................................................................. 7
John Cary Patterson Private -
+Margaret Russell Private -
*2nd Wife of John Cary Patterson:
+Betty Bobo Private -
*3rd Wife of John Cary Patterson:
+Margaret Gilfillen Private -
...................................................... 6
Lula Frances Berry 1872 - WFT Est. 1888-1966
+Andrew Jackson McCaleb 1870 - 1953
...................................................... 6
Drucilla Alice Berry 1874 - 1936
+Richard E. Treadaway 1875 - 1957
...................................................... 6
Louise Berry 1876 - 1962
+Edward O. Traweek WFT Est. 1859-1879 - WFT Est. 1894-1965
................................................................. 7
Sihon Traweek Private -
................................................................. 7
Howard Traweek Private -
................................................................. 7
Edward Traweek Private -
................................................................. 7
Blanche Traweek Private -
+Graham Private -
................................................................. 7
Traweek Private -
+Finley Eversole Private -
...................................................... 6
Minnie L. Berry 1879 - 1881
...................................................... 6
Ida Virginia Berry 1881 - WFT Est. 1895-1975
+John Chambless WFT Est. 1864-1884 - WFT Est. 1898-1970
...................................................... 6
Marvin M. Berry 1884 - 1926
...................................................... 6
Emma R. Berry 1886 - WFT Est. 1900-1980
+Samuel E. Newton WFT Est. 1869-1889 - WFT Est. 1903-1975
...................................................... *2nd Husband
of Emma R. Berry:
+Treadaway WFT Est. 1869-1889 - WFT Est. 1903-1975
...................................................... 6
Carrie C. Berry 1890 - WFT Est. 1904-1984
+William H. McKenzie WFT Est. 1873-1893 - WFT Est. 1907-1979
...................................................... 6
Hattie F. Berry 1893 - WFT Est. 1909-1987
+Easby Jones 1890 - WFT Est. 1909-1981
........................................... 5 Joshua Berry
1844 - 1862
........................................... 5 Sarah J.
Berry 1847 - 1914
................................................. +J. Riley Stephens
1847 - WFT Est. 1885-1938
...................................................... 6
Avis Stephens 1882 - WFT Est. 1921-1977
+Johnnie Lee Jackson WFT Est. 1857-1890 - WFT Est. 1921-1974
................................................................. 7
James Mitchell Jackson 1902 - 1968
+Allie Smith 1908 - 1965
................................................................. 7
Mamie Lee Jackson 1904 - 1983
+Arthur Willie Elser 1904 - 1957
8 Walter Lee Elser Private -
+Janis Jones Private -
9 Danny Ray Elser Private -
+Linda Shaddox Private -
10 Walter Daniel Elser Private -
9 Jenny Lynn Elser Private -
+Ronnie Harrison Private -
8 Arthur Willie Elser, Jr. 1927 - 1928
8 Nellie Mae Elser 1928 - 1928
8 Frances Louise Elser Private -
+George Wilburn Wall Private -
9 Larry Wilburn Wall Private -
9 Patricia Ann Wall Private -
+Timothy Diehl Private -
10 Jennifer Lynn Diehl Private -
10 Christopher M. Diehl Private -
10 Geoffrey M. Diehl Private -
10 Kathryn T. Diehl Private -
10 Jonothan M. Diehl Private -
10 Andrew M. Diehl Private -
*2nd Husband of Frances Louise Elser:
+Marcus Wayne Miles Private -
................................................................. 7
Etta Mae Jackson 1906 - 1986
+John Wiley Berry 1898 - 1986
8 Helen Louise Berry Private -
8 Betty Jean Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Mattie Earline Jackson Private -
+Earl Labor 1903 - 1981
8 Janis Earlene Labor Private -
+Kenneth Edwin Converse Private -
9 Phillip Lynn Converse Private -
+Nancy Claudine Bedingfield Private -
10 Gregory Lynn Converse Private -
10 Hillary Ann Converse Private -
9 Paula Kay Converse Private -
+Steven M. Rush Private -
10 Courtney Michael Rush Private -
9 Ava Marie Converse Private -
+Eddie Lee Williams Private -
10 Amber Marie Williams Private -
10 Talon Dakota Williams Private -
9 Ginger Lea Converse 1966 - 1974
................................................................. 7
Oza Lou Jackson 1911 - 1979
+Glen Stanley 1908 - 1971
8 Glena Lou Stanley Private -
+Charles L. Melton Private -
8 William Rex Stanley 1940 - 1940
8 Jerry Lynn Stanley 1942 - 1942
................................................................. 7
Weldon Jackson Private -
+Dollie Wallace Private -
8 Roy Lee Jackson Private -
+Dorles Sue Scott Private -
9 Jerry Lee Jackson Private -
9 Johnny Scott Jackson Private -
................................................................. 7
Denton Alaho Jackson Private -
+Lillie Mae Edwards Private -
................................................................. 7
Bill Jackson Private -
+Vera Vivian Springer Private -
8 Paula Ann Jackson Private -
+Charles Darvin Watson Private -
9 Lisa Ann Watson Private -
+John Charles Blackwell Private -
9 Tracy Charles Watson Private -
...................................................... 6
Sally Stephens WFT Est. 1866-1894 - WFT Est. 1882-1976
+Sam Burns WFT Est. 1856-1892 - WFT Est. 1882-1971
........................................... 5 Wilburn Tarplin
Berry 1850 - 1926
................................................. +Emma N. Collier
1857 - 1881
...................................................... 6
Maggie Abbagile Berry 1875 - 1951
+Asa Andrew McBrayer 1874 - 1911
................................................................. 7
Eddie May McBrayer Private -
+Adolphus Allen 1894 - WFT Est. 1938-1986
8 Margrete Elizabeth Allen Private -
+Virgil Wise Private -
9 James Clarence Wise Private -
8 Elven Leroy Allen Private -
8 James Earl Allen Private -
8 Rexie Lee Allen Private -
................................................................. 7
James Lee McBrayer 1902 - 1903
................................................................. 7
Algie Glen McBrayer Private -
+Albert Lesley Massey WFT Est. 1877-1907 - WFT Est. 1935-1992
8 Robbie Gene Massey Private -
8 Raymond Grannel Massey Private -
8 Asa Elmo Massey Private -
8 Margaret Gerldine Massey Private -
+Chester Edward Maynard Private -
9 Chester Edward Maynard, Jr. Private -
9 Sheila Ann Maynard Private -
8 Lesly Kenneth Massey Private -
................................................................. 7
Willie Leonious McBrayer 1906 - 1909
................................................................. 7
Johnnie Elmoe McBrayer Private -
...................................................... 6
John Conious Berry 1876 - 1967
+Annie Elizabeth Jones 1878 - 1953
................................................................. 7
Lionel Desmond Berry 1902 - 1959
+Dessie Mae Marsh 1909 - 1995
8 Lionel Desmond Berry, Jr. 1928 - 1994
+Ouida Jeanette Thompson Private -
*2nd Wife of Lionel Desmond Berry, Jr.:
+LeAnn Freer Private -
*3rd Wife of Lionel Desmond Berry, Jr.:
+Eve Willins Yeargain Private -
9 Rebecca Lynn Berry Private -
+Charles Page Private -
9 Phyllis Diane Berry Private -
9 Lionel Desmond Berry III Private -
9 Jeremy Blake Berry Private -
9 Nelson Beckett Berry Private -
8 Janice Marie Berry Private -
+Olen Dow Gillean Private -
*2nd Husband of Janice Marie Berry:
+Darrell Lee Massey Private -
9 Kimberley Joy Massey Private -
+Bryan Kelley Tomlinson Private -
................................................................. 7
Kirkman C. Berry 1906 - 1978
+Maggie B. 1907 - 1970
................................................................. 7
William Alvis Berry 1908 - 1987
+Iona Earle Thompson Private -
8 Billy Jack Berry Private -
8 Sue Ann Berry Private -
+Fred Joe Hommel Private -
9 John Michael Hommel Private -
8 Carol Beth Berry Private -
+King Private -
9 Jason Scot King Private -
9 Justin Todd King Private -
+Sheila Johnson Private -
................................................................. 7
French Jofree Berry Private -
+Betty Jane Brown WFT Est. 1905-1928 - 1987
8 French Jofree Berry, Jr. Private -
8 Beatrice Jeanine Berry Private -
+Stanley Or Stakley Private -
9 Sarah Jane Stakley Private -
................................................................. 7
Lillie Mae Berry 1920 - 1981
+C. W. Whitlock Private -
8 Ronnie Keith Whitlock Private -
+Nadena Ruth Flippin 1944 - 1984
8 Frances Ann Whitlock Private -
+Keith Foster Klein Private -
9 John Foster Klein Private -
...................................................... 6
Sallie Emma Berry 1877 - WFT Est. 1891-1971
+Tom Derrick WFT Est. 1860-1880 - WFT Est. 1894-1966
...................................................... 6
Lillie Cathrine Berry 1878 - WFT Est. 1903-1972
+Joe Thompson WFT Est. 1852-1878 - WFT Est. 1902-1966
........................................... *2nd Wife of Wilburn
Tarplin Berry:
................................................. +Fannie Fullerton
WFT Est. 1843-1866 - WFT Est. 1888-1954
........................................... *3rd Wife of Wilburn
Tarplin Berry:
................................................. +Dorothy Elizabeth
Fowler 1853 - 1930
...................................................... 6
William Austin Berry 1885 - 1957
...................................................... 6
Mattie Lee Berry 1888 - 1974
+Robert Uriah Wood 1883 - 1936
................................................................. 7
Dorothy Elizabeth Wood 1911 - 1989
+Melvin Ralph Winters 1909 - 1984
8 Mattie Sue Winters Private -
+Richard Lee Boone Private -
9 Bradford Lee Boone Private -
+Christy Carosi Private -
9 Richard Todd Boone Private -
+Stephanie Sanders Private -
9 Ralph Tyler Boone Private -
+Ketrin Raynor Private -
8 Melvin Ralph Winters, Jr. Private -
8 Roberta Elizabeth Winters Private -
+Bobby Steve Burrole Private -
................................................................. 7
Robert Uriah Wood, Jr. 1920 - 1975
+Bettie Joyce Simpson Private -
8 Robert Simpson Wood Private -
+Pat Simpson Private -
8 Michael Lee Wood Private -
+Brenda Antwine Private -
8 John Franck Wood Private -
...................................................... 6
Wilburn Orlando Berry 1890 - 1937
+Laura E. "Dottie" Rhine WFT Est. 1876-1900 - WFT Est. 1928-1989
................................................................. 7
Wilburn Foster Berry Private -
+Hermione Perry Private -
8 Jerry Michael Berry Private -
+Kelly Higginbotham Private -
9 Jamie Berry Private -
9 Kate Berry Private -
9 Laura Berry Private -
8 Billy Bob Berry Private -
+Joann Bruce Private -
9 Jennifer Berry Private -
9 Emily Berry Private -
9 Kimberly Berry Private -
9 Cable Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Cleborn Berry Private -
+Verna Lee Wade Private -
8 Cleborn Anthony Berry 1953 - 1985
8 Cecilia Ann Berry Private -
+Anthony Back Private -
9 Froston Anthony Back Private -
9 Devereux Anette Back Private -
8 Catherine Anita Berry Private -
+William Kaiser Private -
9 Anita Nicole Kaiser Private -
9 Rebecca Ann Kaiser Private -
................................................................. 7
Herbert Eli Berry 1922 - 1944
................................................................. 7
Billy Gene Berry 1925 - 1989
...................................................... 6
Foster Berry 1892 - 1962
+Syble May Loy 1893 - 1976
................................................................. 7
Catherine Berry Private -
+Stokes Baggett Private -
................................................................. 7
Calvin Foster Berry Private -
+Dautry Nell Berryhill Private -
...................................................... 6
Coryell Berry 1894 - 1977
+Oliver Carl Wood 1899 - 1961
................................................................. 7
Oliver Carl Wood, Jr. Private -
+Mary Francis Olive Private -
8 Vicki Belinda Wood Private -
+Bill Trumbly Private -
8 Carl Thomas Wood Private -
+Diedra Gordon Private -
9 Lauren Ashley Wood Private -
9 Mary Elizabeth Wood Private -
8 Julia Berry Wood Private -
+Darrell Ray Baker Private -
9 Krysten Berry Baker Private -
9 Joshua Ray Baker Private -
................................................................. 7
Daniel Berry Wood Private -
+Betty Jane Olive Private -
8 David Steven Wood Private -
8 Lisa Ann Wood Private -
8 Diana Beth Wood Private -
...................................................... 6
Claude Berry 1895 - 1973
+Neeley Trowbridge Private -
............................... 4 Joshua Berry WFT Est.
1773-1801 - WFT Est. 1779-1880
............................... 4 Robert Berry WFT Est.
1773-1801 - WFT Est. 1779-1880
............................... 4 Mary Berry WFT Est. 1773-1801
- WFT Est. 1778-1883
............................... 4 Elizabeth Berry WFT Est.
1773-1801 - WFT Est. 1778-1883
.................... 3 Martha Ann Berry 1752 - WFT Est.
.......................... +Samuel Smallwood 1748 - WFT Est.
............................... 4 Samuel Nicholas Smallwood
1772 - WFT Est. 1807-1863
...................................... +Ruth Beall WFT Est. 1762-1784
- WFT Est. 1807-1873
........................................... 5 William Augustin
Smallwood 1804 - WFT Est. 1805-1894
............................... 4 Letitia Smallwood 1774
- WFT Est. 1775-1868
............................... 4 Rebecca Smallwood 1776
- WFT Est. 1807-1870
...................................... +George Naylor Lovejoy
WFT Est. 1749-1779 - WFT Est. 1807-1864
........................................... 5 Edward Horatio
Lovejoy 1798 - WFT Est. 1799-1888
........................................... 5 John Lemuel
Lovejoy 1800 - 1885
................................................. +Phebe Aaron
WFT Est. 1789-1814 - WFT Est. 1848-1903
...................................................... 6
George Washington Lovejoy 1826 - 1859
+Polly Highfield WFT Est. 1807-1833 - WFT Est. 1854-1922
................................................................. 7
John Lemuel Lovejoy III 1848 - WFT Est. 1849-1938
...................................................... 6
John Lemuel Lovejoy, Jr. 1829 - 1905
+Nancy Douglas WFT Est. 1818-1843 - WFT Est. 1874-1932
................................................................. 7
Mary Phebe Lovejoy 1856 - 1942
+James Willis Spann WFT Est. 1833-1859 - WFT Est. 1884-1946
................................................................. 7
Leanna Frances Lovejoy 1859 - 1944
+John Robert Stockton WFT Est. 1835-1868 - WFT Est. 1901-1952
8 William Lemuel Stockton 1880 - WFT Est. 1881-1970
8 Leo Singleton Stockton 1882 - WFT Est. 1883-1972
8 Ida Pearl Stockton 1884 - WFT Est. 1885-1978
8 Nannie Alma Stockton 1887 - WFT Est. 1888-1981
8 Edith Mae Stockton 1890 - WFT Est. 1891-1984
8 Fred Guy Stockton 1893 - WFT Est. 1894-1983
8 Frank Guy Stockton 1895 - WFT Est. 1896-1985
8 Mary Ethel Stockton 1897 - WFT Est. 1898-1991
8 John Leroy Stockton 1899 - WFT Est. 1900-1989
................................................................. 7
William Andrew Lovejoy 1862 - 1935
+Nannie Jane Hume WFT Est. 1848-1871 - WFT Est. 1891-1960
................................................................. 7
James Frances Lovejoy 1866 - 1929
+Minnie Sykes WFT Est. 1850-1874 - WFT Est. 1893-1963
*2nd Wife of James Frances Lovejoy:
+Myrtle Eads WFT Est. 1862-1888 - WFT Est. 1910-1976
................................................................. 7
Hossie Lovejoy 1870 - 1880
................................................................. 7
Ulysses Grant Lovejoy 1872 - 1940
+Minnie Lee Ewell WFT Est. 1861-1884 - WFT Est. 1907-1972
8 John Ewell Lovejoy 1904 - 1972
+Alma Jean Shepherd Private -
9 Caryl Jean Lovejoy Private -
+Julius Franklin Riley Private -
10 Linda Caryl Riley Private -
+Dennis Carl Lambert Private -
11 Lindsay Sarah Lambert Private -
11 Lacey Rebekak Lambert Private -
10 James Ewell Riley Private -
+Vivian Lee Bauer Private -
11 Jeffrey Carl Riley Private -
11 Kimberly Nicole Riley Private -
11 Kristen Michelle Riley Private -
10 Shirley Kay Riley Private -
+John Weber Private -
*2nd Husband of Shirley Kay Riley:
+Marcel Samir Ghattas Private -
9 Patsy Jane Lovejoy 1932 - 1995
+Eugene Lee Pelech Private -
10 Charles Lee Pelech Private -
10 Courtnay Ann Pelech Private -
+Scott Hardin Private -
10 Russell Lee Pelech Private -
9 Shirley Marie Lovejoy Private -
+Richard Emory Brubaker Private -
10 Beth Marie Brubaker Private -
+Samuel Edward Pipkin Private -
11 James Emory Pipkin Private -
11 Matthew Phillip Pipkin Private -
11 Rachel Lynn Pipkin Private -
10 Karen Leah Brubaker Private -
+Terry Lee Nester Private -
11 Sarah Marie Nester Private -
11 Paul Emory Nester Private -
10 Caryl Lynn Brubaker Private -
*2nd Husband of Shirley Marie Lovejoy:
+Donald Max Derington Private -
...................................................... 6
James Harmon Lovejoy 1832 - 1920
+Matilda Isom Goodman WFT Est. 1819-1841 - WFT Est. 1862-1930
................................................................. 7
May Lovejoy WFT Est. 1853-1882 - WFT Est. 1858-1964
...................................................... 6
Leanna Rebecca Lovejoy 1834 - WFT Est. 1857-1928
+David Stiff WFT Est. 1806-1834 - WFT Est. 1856-1921
...................................................... 6
William W. Lovejoy 1837 - 1871
...................................................... 6
Margaret L. Lovejoy 1840 - WFT Est. 1854-1934
+Thomas Cash WFT Est. 1823-1843 - WFT Est. 1857-1929
...................................................... 6
Nancy A. Lovejoy 1843 - 1913
+C. C. Daugherty WFT Est. 1812-1842 - WFT Est. 1862-1929
...................................................... 6
Martha Ann Lovejoy 1846 - 1878
+Joshua Burks WFT Est. 1815-1845 - WFT Est. 1865-1932
................................................................. 7
John Burks WFT Est. 1864-1878 - WFT Est. 1869-1963
................................................................. 7
Edna E. Burks WFT Est. 1864-1878 - WFT Est. 1868-1966
........................................... 5 James Harmon
Lovejoy 1804 - WFT Est. 1805-1894
............................... 4 Felder Herd Smallwood
1783 - WFT Est. 1813-1874
...................................... +Christeny 1787 - WFT
Est. 1813-1881
........................................... 5 Enoch Washington
Smallwood 1809 - WFT Est. 1810-1899
............................... 4 Smallwood WFT Est. 1769-1795
- WFT Est. 1775-1876
......... *2nd Wife of Humphrey Berry, Sr.:
............... +Mary Smallwood WFT Est. 1697-1730 - 1734
.................... 3 Humphrey Berry, Jr. 1750 - 1794
.......................... +Benedictor Moore WFT Est. 1746-1765
- 1812
............................... 4 Henry More Berry WFT
Est. 1771-1794 - WFT Est. 1776-1875
............................... 4 James Smallwood Berry
WFT Est. 1771-1794 - WFT Est. 1776-1875
............................... 4 Benjamin Berry WFT Est.
1771-1794 - WFT Est. 1776-1875
............................... 4 Pryor Berry WFT Est.
1764-1769 - 1820
........................................... 5 John Nally
Berry 1780 - WFT Est. 1824-1872
................................................. +Mildred WFT
Est. 1778-1802 - WFT Est. 1825-1889
...................................................... 6
William Locke Berry 1822 - 1878
+Margaret Eleanor Turner 1832 - 1864
................................................................. 7
Edward Berry 1851 - 1920
+Emma Bean WFT Est. 1844-1870 - 1898
8 E. Guy Berry 1883 - WFT Est. 1921-1974
+Lillian WFT Est. 1870-1896 - WFT Est. 1921-1984
9 Elsie May Berry Private -
+Summers Private -
9 Margaret Virginia Berry Private -
+Dodson Private -
8 Mary Elizabeth Berry WFT Est. 1872-1896 - WFT Est. 1920-1984
+George Adams WFT Est. 1864-1894 - WFT Est. 1920-1979
9 George Edwin Adams Private -
9 Mary Louise Adams Private -
+Goods Private -
8 William Arthur Berry 1891 - WFT Est. 1933-1982
+Annie Elizabeth Groves 1892 - WFT Est. 1932-1987
9 William Edward Berry Private -
9 Benjamin Carl Berry Private -
9 James Horace Berry Private -
9 Laurence Arthur Berry Private -
9 Thomas Harold Berry Private -
9 Emma Elizabeth Berry Private -
+Hamilton Private -
9 Guy Berry Private -
9 Mary Edna Berry Private -
9 George Raymond Berry Private -
9 Anna Christina Berry Private -
9 Alis Lois Berry Private -
8 Emma Berry WFT Est. 1872-1896 - WFT Est. 1894-1980
+Burch WFT Est. 1862-1894 - WFT Est. 1894-1975
9 Emma Mary Burch Private -
+Snow Private -
................................................................. 7
William Berry 1852 - 1933
+Lillian Blanche Grimes 1872 - 1960
8 William James Berry 1902 - 1986
+Irma Jean Railsback 1906 - 1984
9 William Chester Berry Private -
+Penelope Wright Dalton 1946 - 1994
10 William Campbell Berry Private -
10 Dalton Cooper Berry Private -
10 James Lyman Berry Private -
*2nd Wife of William Chester Berry:
+Jane Mevey McIlwaine Private -
9 Julia Jane Berry Private -
+Peter Colvin Smith Private -
10 Benjamin Andrew Smith Private -
10 Jonathan Edward Smith Private -
8 Thomas Edward Berry Private -
+Elizabeth Howell Mitchell Private -
9 Thomas William Berry Private -
9 Marjorie Elizabeth Berry Private -
................................................................. 7
Thomas Berry 1854 - 1935
+Rosetta Madeline Mathaney 1860 - 1946
8 Raymond Locke Berry 1890 - 1936
+Alice Grady 1889 - 1935
8 Margaret Louise Berry 1892 - WFT Est. 1924-1986
+Albert John William Fredrich 1896 - WFT Est. 1926-1987
9 Margaret Eleanor Fredrich Private -
+Dennis Prizzell Blizzard Private -
10 Dennis Craig Blizzard Private -
10 Arthur Keith Blizzard Private -
8 Grace Madeline Berry 1894 - WFT Est. 1895-1988
8 Thomas Morris Berry 1897 - WFT Est. 1914-1987
+Olive Hascall Private -
8 William Harold Berry 1901 - 1901
................................................................. 7
Beal Turner Berry 1856 - 1857
................................................................. 7
John Walter Berry 1862 - 1945
................................................................. 7
Frank T Berry 1864 - 1929
+Sally M Belphy 1867 - 1930
................................................................. 7
George Berry WFT Est. 1846-1864 - WFT Est. 1890-1951
+Emma V D McGaffin 1875 - 1959
................................................................. 7
James Berry WFT Est. 1845-1864 - 1934
+Ella Hunt WFT Est. 1845-1873 - WFT Est. 1870-1956
8 James William Berry WFT Est. 1870-1907 - WFT Est. 1892-1985
+C Latham Private -
8 John Latham Berry WFT Est. 1870-1907 - WFT Est. 1880-1985
...................................................... 6
Bradley Berry WFT Est. 1801-1830 - WFT Est. 1807-1909
...................................................... 6
Jane Berry WFT Est. 1797-1820 - WFT Est. 1840-1907
+James Henry Montgomery 1810 - 1897
................................................................. 7
Robert Montgomery 1835 - WFT Est. 1836-1925
................................................................. 7
Richard Seaton Montgomery 1837 - WFT Est. 1838-1927
............................... 4 Samuel Berry WFT Est.
1771-1794 - WFT Est. 1776-1875
............................... 4 Thomas Berry WFT Est.
1771-1794 - WFT Est. 1776-1875
.................... 3 Thomas Berry WFT Est. 1724-1734
- WFT Est. 1729-1822
.................... 3 Sarah Berry WFT Est. 1724-1734 -
WFT Est. 1729-1825
......... 2 William Berry 1709 - 1733
............... +Esther Cawood WFT Est. 1689-1716 - WFT Est.
.................... 3 Esther Berry 1729 - 1828
.......................... +Stephen Cawood 1724 - 1810
............................... 4 Elizabeth Cawood 1782
- 1851
...................................... +John Berry 1779 - 1855
........................................... 5 Elizabeth
Berry WFT Est. 1800-1826 - WFT Est. 1805-1909
........................................... 5 Easter (Ester)
Berry 1799 - 1843
................................................. +George Sharp
1801 - 1839
...................................................... 6
Chloe (Clara) Sharp 1834 - 1927
+Martin Sharp Berry 1834 - 1924
................................................................. 7
William Henderson Martin Berry 1859 - 1956
+Sarah Elizabeth Duncan WFT Est. 1844-1868 - WFT Est. 1889-1957
8 William Martin Berry 1886 - 1969
+Grace Gilpin Deatherage WFT Est. 1880-1898 - 1918
9 Keith Martin Berry WFT Est. 1906-1918 - 1992
+Lois Herbert Private -
10 Scott Martin Berry Private -
+Emma Jane Knowlder Private -
........................................... 5 Anna Berry
WFT Est. 1800-1826 - WFT Est. 1805-1909
........................................... 5 Chloe Berry
WFT Est. 1800-1826 - WFT Est. 1805-1909
........................................... 5 Rebecca Berry
WFT Est. 1800-1826 - WFT Est. 1816-1909
................................................. +Sharp WFT
Est. 1790-1825 - WFT Est. 1816-1904
........................................... 5 Benjamin
Berry WFT Est. 1800-1826 - WFT Est. 1806-1906
........................................... 5 Hezekiah
Berry WFT Est. 1800-1826 - WFT Est. 1806-1906
........................................... 5 Joseph Berry
WFT Est. 1800-1826 - WFT Est. 1806-1906
........................................... 5 Henrietta
Berry WFT Est. 1800-1826 - WFT Est. 1805-1909
......... 2 Sarah Berry 1717 - WFT Est. 1740-1811
............... +Jacob Robey WFT Est. 1689-1717 - WFT Est. 1739-1804
......... 2 Samuel Berry 1718 - 1776
............... +Ann Thomas WFT Est. 1704-1727 - WFT Est. 1747-1816
.................... 3 Thomas Berry WFT Est. 1739-1767
- WFT Est. 1745-1846
......... 2 Elizabeth Berry 1719 - 1794
......... 2 Ann Berry 1721 - WFT Est. 1722-1815