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British Invasion

*Disclaimer: I do not know any of the Backstreet Boys...this story is mostly fictional. Tracy is my best bud and I do know a Dan from England. Other than's the product of my overworked imagination.*

Here's the jist of the story: Nichole and her best friend, Tracy, head over to England for a summer vacation and to visit Nic's friend, Dan. Oddly enough, the Backstreet Boys are having a couple of concerts in England that week and just happens to be staying at the same hotel as the girls are staying in. You can imagine what happens next. A few surprises...Kevin and Nick get into it, Brian finally comes clean and Howie has a little shocker. AJ? You'll have to read it to find out.

Also, Tracy's manner in the story is NOT how she is in reality. It's fiction people! Dan really does have a girlfriend named Cath...but I like her just fine! If you don't know who Tim Berkebile or Dennis Gallo are, they are part of the Backstreet band. Any questions? EMAIL ME. I love getting mail!

Oh yeah! One more thing! I know that there are typos in the story. I have been informed many times. When I get bored one day, I'll go and fix them. Sorry about the screwups!

*Chapter 1*

*Chapter 2*

*Chapter 3*

*Chapter 4*

*Chapter 5*

*Chapter 6*

*Chapter 7*

*Chapter 8*

*Chapter 9*

*Chapter 10*

*Chapter 11*
The last chapter. Sob!

British Invasion

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