"Sense is Common?"
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"Sense is Common?"

 		taking over the world       the mind   
 		the centrifical       spinergistic motions      notions     love potions and oceans 	
							sand and sea 		
							blue water blue  wave crash wave  undo...undo...	

re-invent the wheel 
		with mass popularity and ultra adversary 
			some will say stop!                STOP!	
								stop and look around      around you 
								and the wishy washy waste basket 
								filth and biased fascist vernon

		infecting and destroying mankind
			 kind enough to take the lollipop from a little baby:
			 lollipop lollipop   lick and lick    crash your dense skull upon this stick!
dent the beliefs of a future generation with "morals" and "values" 
	"gOD" 	wants you	to be a homosexual		how boring would god's job be if he didn't have 
												and fairies 

oh but wait     don't clean the slate...	   just yet 
							what about the middle aged life crisis aped ego in a vette  
							speeding ass down boulevard lane with his hair blown back 	
			so FUCKING SEXY !!   

spinning the tires of life 	smoking your dreams away at every crowded intersection and stop light were whinos 
	beg for change 			 "gOD BLESS YOU" 	they say
 								just fucking get outta my way
								damn whinos    drunkards    beggars
		go back to the fucking army surplus and get some new threads....
		your camouflage ass don't blend to well in society 
		asking for pitty 
	sympathy junkies can all go to this crazed "hEll"
				steaming with fire and faggots that "god" hates so much 
				and that every damned christian father fears more than 
				his daughter being gang raped by thug dicks and mug shot playboys

playboy toys and smoking cigars		 	has it all gone.... 		just a little too far   
						to far so far I can hardly reach....

ten feet ten feet 
		beyond any worthwhile cause has ever been 	in this world diminishing of common sense 
								were people eat bullshit lies for breakfast and 
								hide truth at dinners expense 
	were freedom lies 		in the eyes 	of those who abuse      use       and have no concept
 												of true reality and 
												the world in which we live  

just live and die 		just say goodbye 		to any real meaning 
									because it's so fucking hard to find....
			but there's your challenge 
			and how it will be  
			survival of the fittest....			more like common sense to me !