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Here he is as SLATER from one of my favorite movies ever... DAZED AND CONFUSED! I have viewed this movie more times than my 3 year old neice has viewed THE WEDDING SINGER! This isn't Rory's only flick, you probably remember him from EMPIRE RECORDS. Besides D&C I would definitely reccomend THE LOW LIFE as well as FATHERS AND SONS with JEFF GOLDBLUM.

BABY RACOONS ROCK! They are young and untouched. The evils that lay around every corner have not yet gotten to their core of truly delightful innocence! I'm quite sure that just about everyone can take a look at this pic and figure that out!!


I've been listening to them since my senior year in High School. I remember hearing MR.JONES and knowing I had to have that CD. It stayed in my stereo for about a year. Man can they boogie!

EWAN MCGREGOR, if I would've known that Obi Wan was gonna be so hot when he got young, I would've paid more attention to him when he was an old guy. He is extremely sexy oh yeah and talented too. BRASSED OFF was a really good flick but you get to see him nakey in THE PILLOW BOOK.


I first discovered them when I heard SHIMMER on CMJ. I immediately went out and bought the CD. They are one of those bands that do that to you. Where you hear one song and you know you have to have more!!

SCOOBY DOO is my all time favorite dog in the world! I remember coming home from school and watching it and all the religious people used to say it was from the devil! Ooh scary! I have a purple Scooby watch and it tells time better than any watch I've ever had.


I must admit that I do like Brandon as the CROW best, but I also like LEGACY OF RAGE and a cheesy flick called LASER MISSION. I saw THE CROW the day it was released and 2 more times before it left theatres. I distinctly remember when I saw it in the theatre that there is a scene where he tapes himself up with the black electrical tape you see on him later. I have since watched it on video countless times and that scene is not there. Does anyone else remember this? If you do, please email me. If you disagree don't bother telling me.

Halloween is my favorite Holliday because you can be as lame as you want and nobody cares. Like Christmas or some other Holliday would stop me from being lame. I like scary stuff so Halloween rocks! The Halloween movies are kick ass too! I have them all except H20 (just haven't got it yet). The only Halloween I think sucked was the one when I wore one of those stupid plastic suits you buy in the store with the platic mask that sticks on your head with a rubber band. I wanted the Mickey Mouse one and it had a plastic jump suit. The pants ripped so at the last minute my mom had to cut the top away from the pants and I had to wear "real" pants with it. Oh yeah and Halloween 3 Season of the Witch bites!

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