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After graduation I was supposed to go to college. I moved to fabulous Las Vegas instead. There I worked for my Aunt at a chocolate factory. It was then that my skin became discolored I started to shrink and I would do this weird thing that when I wanted to teach someone a lesson I would burst into song! Mostly everyone I worked with did too! Here we are doing our group excercises, I'm the one on the far right. That was a strange period in my life...

Everyone loved me at the chocolate factory I worked in. Here they are having a birthday party for me. My aunt was my boss so my cousin came with her for my birthday party. Me and Wendall...

I was living in Vegas and living it up! I was finally free! Nobody to tell me what to do or when to do it. I had a blast! I worked graveyard so I slept during the day.
I remember one day very well...

My whole family is totally into METALLICA so when my big bro and sis went to see them while I was living in Vegas I came home to go to the concert with them. Here is my big brother Ronnie holding the tickets. Look at that hair... Isn't he cute!

My friends and I would see EVERY rock show that played at this small place called THE HUNTRIDGE it was hella old and kicked ass. Here is Jack Russell from GREAT WHITE. He thought he was a big rock star!

I have two cats that hella rock! Midnight and Tommy-two-tone (he's the two toned one). Here we see a mysterious set of hands giving the boys a nice innocent bowl of milk.


if you look carefully behind Midnight you will see what's really going on. Some people are really sick!!

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