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Aiight! This is my time to vent. For the past few years females have been hatin' on me. Ladies, if the same has happened to you, take note. If you're a hater, this is for you. I am sick and tired of people labeling me stuck up. You are the same females that don't even know me but judge me because of the way I look. Yes, I walk with my head up, but I speak when spoken to. Yes, I love fashion, but I don't have a problem complimenting others, either. Yes, I am one of many people that are able to make good grades, participate in everything and party when I want to, but don't hate. If you need help, open your mouths and ask. Conceit and confidence are two, totally different things. Why should I NOT take care of myself to make you happy. I am not the one. If you ladies(I always give respect) took the time to hold a conversation with me before judging me, you would then have the right to pass judgement. I guarantee you that I will blow your mind because I don't act the way you expected me to. Just know that these childish games that you play will get you nowhere. While I am advancing, you will still be in the dust commenting on every successful thing that I do. Just to let you know, that is a waste of time. Oh, and by the way, thank you for motivating me to keep doing the things that I do and have a nice day!

Ladies, who feel me, listen up. The best way to get to these haters is to "KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS". This will burn them up. They will be breathing fire for weeks. Don't ever stoop to their level because that will make you no better than them. Believe me, I know that this is hard advice to listen to(I'm still working on it myself) but it works. Ladies, remember to keep your heads up and keep doing what your doing.

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