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undefined O, The Oprah Magazine Card of the Day Affiliate


May 8-12 is Teacher Apreciation week. We would like to thank our teachers for all of their hard work and devotion.

Memorial Day Holiday

There will be no school on Monday, Monday 29, 2000. We will observe the Memorial Day Holiday.

No more Homework, No more Books!!

The last day of school is Thursday, June 1, 2000. Have a safe and fun summer. Please encourage your child to read during the summer.

Hooray for Field Day!

The schedule for Field Day is as follows:
May 8th-1st Grade
May 9th Kindergarten
May 10th-2nd Grade
May 11th-3rd Grade
May 12th-Staff

From the Office

We have coats galore. They belong to our children but they will not claim them. Please come by the school to claim your child's coat and/or jacket. All coats that are not picked up by 3:30p.m. on Friday will be given to those in need. Thank you for picking up your child's jacket.
Warm weather is approaching. Please dress your child appropiately for school. No halter tops, tube tops or short shorts are allowed. Please refer to Page 10 of the school handbook. If a student wears inappropriate clothing to school, he/she may be withheld from class until acceptable clothing standards are met.

Ridgecrest Elementary School