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Love Is A Gift

Love, to me, is a mystery, as well as to most I know.
There are some that believe that they have the Wisdon
To perceive this elusive bird!
I don't think so.

I have loved and been loved ,but, have yet to really conceive
Just how this flighty emotion, with or without our permission
Can choose, at will, to come and go
Wherever it pleases.

It is not unlike an unruly youth; In that it is at it own wills choosing.
We are like slaves to its each and every whim
Whether or not we agree;
It still has the right to reside wherever it pleases!

Oh! But even without the choice of whether or not it clings
I still will willingly be its slave.
For it is better to be visited by this ever so uncertain thing,
Than to have never known the joy
It can bring!

When this lovely creature of emotions alights upon your heart,
It will set your soul free to dream;
Dream all the misty thoughts of what could be
With the one that is the fortunate or not so fortunate

Be thankful it has privileged you with the chance of
Becoming intimate with It!
For, even with all its chance taken,
It is far better to have embraced it
Than to have never known its presence
And Being!



~Annie Jo Battles~
