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My Faith Page

As I mentioned, I am a Catholic. That is why I put this holy picture on this page. Even an athiest will recognise this image as an image of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, upon whom the Catholic faith is founded. Leading all souls to new life in Jesus Christ is the purpose of the Catholic Faith. This is an important subject. I will put a worth while apologetic here with time. thanks for being patient. The internet is teeming with sites which spew hatred at the Catholic Church. Fortunately, there are also many sites which present the Catholic Faith in an honest and competent manner. If you visit my links (lynx) page, You may find some good treatment of the Catholic faith at many of the Catholic sites I have linked to.
Prayer is a very important part of Catholic Life. I hope that some of the prayers you find at this link to the ONLINE CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOK as helpful as I do.

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