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I am very fortunate to have had great parents, as well as great in-laws.
Sandra also has great parents and had great in-laws. Not so coincidentally, My in-laws are my wife's parents!
This is just one of the many fascinating attributes of an extended family.

Mom and Dad McWilliams

This is a picture of my late parents, Bill and Rachelle.
"Honour your Father and Mother" is one of the ten Commandments.
My mother and father were easy to honour, because they were super people. They were married in 1958, and stayed that way for 44 years. My Dad passed away in August, 2002, while my mother died in January 2005. Click here to see the small tribute I have made to Their memory.

Mom and Dad Matagora

These are Sandra's Parents, Charles and Jacoba. There are no specific commandments about honouring your in-laws, but it is a good idea, anyway. My in-laws came to Canada in 1974, from Holland. They moved to Holland from Indonesia
They recently celebrated their
wedding anniversary

Mom and Dad Matagora

This photo was taken in 1998. This is me, Marc, with my two sons. We were on Holidays, on the way to visit my parents, whom we try to visit every summer.
Thank you for coming to meet our parents. This webpage is just a small tribute to all the good things that our parents have given us.

Go back to the MCWILLIAMS FAMILY HOMEPAGE, and see more fabulous stuff!