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Xi Delta History

The Xi Delta chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was charterd with ten women on June 5, 1978. Charter members included: Carolyn Mitchell, Brenda Beville, Terricena Shields, Voncill Shields, Joyce Andrews, Debra Kinard, Gladys Miller, and two other members which names are unknown at this time. LU's first chapters were dedicated to a program of sharing membership skills and organization services in the public interest.

With Carolyn Mitchell as President of Xi Delta, the members sponsored a canned food drive for needy families, participated in a Halloween Carnival at a local daycare, and visited residents at the Sumter Nursing Home. They held a benefit dance for the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation an took part in the Spring Leukemia Fund Drive. The sorority also had many fund raisers to collect money for a scholarship to be awarded to a local senior.

The Organization sponsored many projects aimed at civic interest. They held a Halloween Carnival for underpriviliged children. Also, they had an Easter Egg hunt for the special education class at Livingston Junior High School. A road block was held to raise money for The UNCF (United Negro College Fund). They donated clothing to fire victims and presented Thanksgiving baskets to the Nursing Home. Xi Delta was very active and an integral part of the Greek community at Livingston University.

A short time later, the ladies of Xi Delta continued to remain active in the community and on campus. Under Chapter President, Carolyn Mitchell, the chapter tried to sponsor at least three projects every quarter. The Deltas sponsored a dance after a football game fall quarter. Also in the fall, the sorority helped with the voter registration drive.

The winter quarter seemed to be the busiest time of year. They sponsored numerous activities, including a candy-gram sale. The proceeds from the sale went toward the John Montgomery Surgery Fund. Another service project was their visit to the Sumter Nursing Home in York. And, for Valentine's Day, the Deltas gave a party for the special education students at Livingston Jr. High School.

The Deltas did not have a pledge line in the fall or winter quarter of the 83-84 school year. They planned for a large line in the spring. The needed requirements for pledging was a 1.5 GPA and a total of 48 quarter hours.

After many years of not being on campus, Xi Delta was again reborn in the spring of 1997 with The 14 Flames of Fire. After a year of hard work to reestablish the hard work of the past members of Xi Delta, The 8 Essential Elements came into existence in the spring of 1998. In the spring of 1999, The 5 Fearless Fortunes came out in a "wave of confusion." Now, in the new millenium comes The 10 Troublesome Terrors that will continue the dedication to Delta Sigma Theta as the past members of Xi Delta strived and achieved.

The needed requirements to take part in the intake process now is a cumulative 2.5 GPA with sophomore standing. Currently, there are 12 members on the yard that are dedicated to upholding the ideals that Delta Sigma Theta was found on.