Sailor Mercury

N.American Name: Amy Anderson Birthday: September 10th Astrological Sign: Virgo Blood Type: A Favorite colors: Aquamarine, light blue Hobbies: reading Favorite food: sandwiches Least favorite food: ? Favorite subject: mathematics Least favorite subject: none Strong points: calculating Transformations Mercury Power, Make Up Mercury Star Power, Make Up Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up Attacks Mercury Bubble Blast (Shabon Spray) Mercury Ice Bubble Freeze (Shabon Spray Freezing) Mercury Ice Storm Blast Shine Aqua Illusion Double Shabon Spray Freezing Mercury Aqua Rhapsody Mercury Aqua Mirage Amy is the brains of the team. Anytime anything mentally complex presents itself, she rises to the challenge. Rated with an IQ approaching that of a genius, she can generally solve almost any puzzle that the Sailor Scouts finds themselves in. She also is the most aware of Serena being an emotional teenager, and not just a superheroine who isn't sensitive to the needs of a young girl. As a Sailor Scout, Amy also fits the description of the idiom "Brainpower over firepower."