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MYTHS1.JPG (16668 bytes) (10478 bytes)

Typical disposition as portrayed in the media.


MYTH: Dobermans are viscious attack dogs that turn on their owners. FACT: When properly bred, raised, socialized, and trained; Dobermans are loving, loyal, family oriented dogs who will never think of doing such a thing. The only reason a Doberman would turn on anyone is due to abusive treatment. This is not something that is unique to a Doberman. Any animal, humans included,will defend themselves when threatened.

MYTH: Dobermans may be good dogs when they're young, but when they're older their skull stops growing but their brain doesn't. Then their brain swells against the skull or they get "brain rot" and they attack people. FACT: This absurd myth is physically impossible. A Doberman is a canine just like a Golden Retriever. They have the same bone and nerve structure. When any canine's head stops growing, so does his brain.

MYTH: If you want a Doberman to be protective, you have to make it mean. FACT: A Doberman is naturally protective of his family and home. Nothing needs to be done to enhance that aspect. If you abuse a Doberman to try to make it mean, the process will backfire and your dog will only protect himself from you.

MYTH: If you want a Doberman to protect you from strangers and intruders you have to keep it away from people except your family. FACT: A Doberman that is not properly socialized will probably NOT protect you. He will be very scared of strange things and people. Every Doberman MUST be properly socialized. Taking your pup to lots of places, such as the pet store, shopping centers, obedience classes, vet offices, will help him gain confidence in strange surroundings. You should introduce your pup to as many different people as possible and see that he responds in a friendly manner. Protective instincts are natural and will not be affected by introducing your dog to friends or people he meets on the street. As long as you feel comfortable with a person, by all means, introduce your Doberman.

MYTH: There is a larger type of doberman called the "Giant", "Warlock", "Kimbertal", or "King" doberman that is superior to normal dobermans. FACT: The name "Kimbertal refers to a specific breeder and is not a type of doberman. The name "Warlock" has been used within a dogs name such as "Kimbertal's Warlock". A puppy from this dog would carry its sire's bloodline, but would not be a new breed called the "Warlock". Dobermans bred to standard are a medium size dog . Breeders who are advertising "King" size dobermans are not breeding true to standard and clearly are not concerned about the livelyhood of the doberman. Dobermans were bred as working dogs and have much agitlity, as you raise the size you lose both the agility and function of the dog. The Doberman standard states "Dogs should be 26 to 28 inches tall, 27 1/2 being ideal-Bitches 24 to 26 inches tall 25 1/2 being ideal". (10478 bytes)

The typical disposition found in a loving home.