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Lil' Ole Me
My Horses
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These are my favs!!!

Horse Links

American Quarter Horse Association
American Paint Horse Association
Equitana USA
The Hay Net
Spotted Saddle Horse Association
The Ultimate Horse Site
All Horse Info
TOP 25 Horse Sites
Equine Reproduction
John Lyons
The Essential Horse
Jeffers Equine Supplies

Send a friend a horsey card.....guaranteed to make them smile.

Blue Mountain Horse Cards
Equine E-Mail Cards
Feed for Thought
Wonderful Horse Postcards
Virtual Horse Graphics Cyber Greeting Cards
Greeting Cards
Rascal's Horse Greeting Cards

"No hour of life is lost that is spent in the saddle."
Sir Winston Churchill

Horsey Humor


There was a preacher who was trying to sell his horse. A man stopped by to see how the horse rode. The preacher told the man that instead of saying, “walk", say, “praise the Lord,” and instead of saying, “whoa,” say, “amen.” So the man got on the horse and said, “praise the Lord,” and the horse started to walk. The man then said, “praise the Lord,” again and the horse started to trot. He said it a few more times, then the horse started galloping. Suddenly a cliff appeared. The man yelled "Whoa!". The horse didn't stop. He tried yelling all sorts of things, and he tried to pull the horse up, but it wouldn't stop. Then suddenly he remembered what to say. The man said, “amen.” The horse stopped right before they fell off. The man was so relieved that he put his hand on his forehead and then said, ”Praise the Lord.”

these are absolutely not funny

The eastern lady who was all ready to take a horseback ride said to the cowboy, "Can you get me a nice gentle pony?" "Shore," said the cowboy. "What kind of a saddle do you want, English or western?" "What's the difference?" asked the lady. "The western saddle has a horn on it," said the cowboy. "If the traffic is so thick here in the mountains that I need a horn on my saddle, I don't believe I want to ride."

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