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Codes under Inventory Equip with cursor on Buy:

Secret Shop (SFC): "left, right, right, down, right, up, A."
Secret Shop (PSX): "Up, Left, Right, Down, Right, Right, Circle"
Secret Shop (SAT): "Up, Left, Right, Down, Right, Right, C"
Secret Shop (PC-FX): "up, left, right, down, right, right, 1"
Note about this code: You must have enough items to go "left" and "right"x3 (at least 4 screens, 16+ items) without wrapping your inventory

Super Secret Shop (SFC): Does it exist?
Super Secret Shop (PSX): "Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, Select, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Select, Circle"
Super Secret Shop (SAT): "Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, X, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, X, C"
Super Secret Shop (PC-FX): "left, up, down, right, left, select, right, up, left, down, right, select, 1"

Codes under "Load" (not an ingame load) with cursor on any [occupied] save slot except the first:

Multimedia Test (SFC): "left, right, select, A."
Multimedia Test (PSX): "up, down, up, down, left, right, select, Circle"
Multimedia Test (SAT): "up, down, up, down, left, right, select, C"
Multimedia Test (PC-FX): "up, down, up, down, left, right, select, 1"

Scenario Select (SFC): "up, down, up, down, left, right, select, A."
Scenario Select (PSX): "right, down, up, left, R1, Square, Start, Select, Triangle, Circle"
Scenario Select (SAT): "right, down, up, left, R, Y, Start, X, Z, C"
Scenario Select (PC-FX): "right, down, up, left, 6, 5, 4, select, 3, 1"

Battle Test (SFC): Who knows it? (Text dump in our scripts indicate this exists, but it may have been disabled)

Other cheats:

Inventory Trick (All versions): When a character class changes, he or she still retains any items equipped. You can use this to your advantage. For example, say your Elwin started as a Fighter. Fighters can equip Speedboots, but Knights can't. If Elwin has speedboots equipped and class changes to SlvrKnt, he will still have the speedboots equipped, even though SlvrKnt cannot equip speedboots. (Hint: You can use this trick in conjunction with Runestones and Scout classes to equip ranged weapons.)
Experience Trick (All versions): Langrisser awards experience three ways: Defeating an enemy unit, healing your buddies, or staying alive after scenario clear. This trick concentrates on the healing part. Position your troops near an enemy magician, and make sure your troops are NOT adjacent to your commander so they will NOT receive +3HP a turn. Place anyone you want to gain experience nearby who knows Heal1 or Heal2. Let the magician cast Fireball or Meteor or whatever, and simply keep healing. The game will not check that you are cheating in this way and you can obtain easy experience points. A good idea would be to put your orders to "Idle" so your troops won't start attacking the magician or something stupid like that. Starting Items Trick (SFC): From Freaky_Z: When saying "No" to "Is this okay?" during character creation, all stats are reset except starting items. Doing this, you can obtain many items from the start of the game such as Devil axes, saleable for lots of P. Though after the 6th time, the game freezes. Soft reboot (SFC): (not really a cheat): Hold L+R and SELECT+START buttons. This will instantly take you to the Load menu. You can there press the cancel button to return to title screen. (Other systems have similar functionality, try pressing many buttons simultaneously) Clone items (All versions): From esca: This trick allows you to duplicate any item. (Even limited items such as Langrisser or Runestones). The limitation is that the cloned item will have to stay equipped. To start, equip said character with desired item to clone. Beat a scenario. Save the game, and go back to the load screen. Scenario Select back to a scenario where said character appears as a NPC. You'll still have the item the character equipped in your inventory. This is the cloned item. Equip that item to whoever you want. This action will swap the cloned item with the real item. Now, once you start the scenario, the NPC will be holding the cloned item, and the real item will be equipped to whichever character you gave it to. Once the NPC joins your party, the NPC will retain the cloned item. Make sure you don't unequip the cloned item, or it will disappear. LV10 Runestone (All versions): Yes, it's possible to use the runestone once you're at LV10. Just equip your LV10 character with a runestone and start a scenario. Once you select the character, he/she will automatically use it up. And as a bonus, all excess experience gained at LV10 will be carried over.

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