It's a shame that I had to create this page but maybe it will stop so called "businesses" and others from stealing my work. So onto our first jackass...

The first person/business to be inducted into the LILSWEETS4U JACKASS WALL OF SHAME IS RENEE OF FANCY GELS COMPANY. Renee owns a candle company and wanted to make some money off the fraternity auxiliary groups. So she steals my graphics and put them on her candles and started selling them on her website and on Ebay. Then she emails me to say how she "loves" my site and that she would be interested in me doing some work for her, she neglected to mention that little fact that she's already stolen my graphics and I have them on my products and selling them on my website. She assumed since she emailed me that it was cool to steal my graphics. NO BOO IT DON'T WORK LIKE THAT!! Thanks to my wonderful Omega sisters who know a KAT MOFO when they see one, they told me about her website. Does this chick really think that MY SISTERS are going to buy any of your crap?? I DON'T THINK SO!! AND YOU WILL BE HEARING FROM MY ATTORNEY SOON!!

The evidence:

These graphics can be found on Kappa page 2 and Iota Page

So in honor of my first jackass its the PHUCK YOU AWARD!!

Know anybody else that needs to be place here? Send me an email to


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