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undefined My hideout


version 4 :: I believe in dragons, good men and other fantasy creatures







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Trigun © Yasuhiro Nightow/ Shonen Gaho-Sha, Tokuma Shoten, JVC, Madhouse, etc.
as with my previous layout, images used for personal amusement without permission.

Monday, 11th of November :: 11.58 pm

Righty, I'll be ranting at from now on
if anyone's interested. Gotta work on the html still
but when wouldn't I.

Bye ^^

Wednesday, 6th of November :: 5.25 pm

Okei, that's one out of three, Jap. speech is out of the way.
Tomorrow's the soil processes exam which is...boring, and
next Wed is the damned seminar that'll prolly kill me or
something. I *so* have a bad feeling about it, alone by the
manner the professor grinned at me today. Eep.

Will be moving my weblog elsewhere shortly once I get the
page into a more coherent condition. As my latest drawings
will be going to Elfwood, and my rants somewhere
in the future to Pitas, I wonder if my Chaos Lair
will finally turn into a mere dusty storage room for ye olde stuff.

Gah ^^

Sunday, 3rd of November :: 8.30 pm

I don't get it. Somehow yaoi landed itself in Finland
when I wasn't looking.

Wednesday, 30th of October :: 4.15 pm

My sister has her birthday on Halloween (yes really),
and my baby brother has his birthday two days before
Christmas Eve. The world is so unfair.
I have to give a speech in Japanese next Wednesday.
I'd like to talk about volcanos or ice ages or other
cool geological stuff but it turns out that after
studying the language for one year I don't think I
have quite wide enough vocabulary *gheh* not to
mention my classmates wouldn't probably understand the
subject even if I was speaking Finnish. So I think I'm
gonna talk about goats ^^ I'm *so* going to get
laughed at, but goats are awesome. I'm gonna get one
someday and take it out for walks like other people do
with dogs. So ha.

My Final Fantasy Name is: "Vincent Valentine"

Get your own Final Fantasy Name Here Made by Jennilee

I'm a total sucker for this particular FFVII chara =P
I guess it's some consolation that my own birthday is
four days after Valentine's Day ^^

Tuesday, 29th of October :: 4.45 pm

Went to see a nifty Norwegian movie called Dina
with a group of my classmates. Turned out to be the
third ghost story that I've accidentally gone to see
during this autumn. I think I seriously have to start
finding out beforehand about *what* exactly am I going
to watch, these things totally give me the creeps.
Dark Water was really frightening throughout,
I didn't feel like drinking water for two days after
that, Ugetsu Monogatari had what apparently in Far
Eastern mythology is referred to as white snakewoman,
a ghost that seduces a man and traps him in an
illusion, and Dina, well...the dead weren't malicious
there, but I think I could have lived without the
rotting green ghost of a man waving in the hallway
Really pretty movies in despite, all three of them,
easily beat the Hollywood-crap that I usually watch ^^

Also went to see Akira Kurosawa's Shichinin no Samurai
(the Seven Samurais) last Friday, which was insanely
gorgeous O.O Heartily recommended.

Doing anything else than going to movies every week?
Uhh, been drawing some, schoolwise I've got an essay
to write about tracking diamonds, Jap. speech next
week, and an exam about soil processes coming up.
In fact, I should be home studying as we speak *yawns*
Guess I'm off now ^^

Sunday, 27th of October :: 10.40 pm

frustrated (and an idiot)

Okay, it's friggin Sunday night and the university
computer lab is full of people. I don't think I've
ever seen this before, does everyone suddenly have an
essay overdue or what?
It wouldn't matter, honest, if there wasn't for some
goddamn...*hrghmpfh* person who's been sitting
at the scanner like a parasite for...*checks* five
hours now. And yes, I have been waiting that long,
doing little this and that, anxious as hell 'cause
this is about only time I have for scanning some
pictures I've been meaning to email people for quite a
while now. Duely I can't get anything else remotely
useful done.
I would have gone home hours ago, thank you very much,
I've got Chinese class tomorrow morning at 10 and I
haven't done my homework yet and I have to go to work
tonight at 2 am and I need to get some sleep
eventually I'm sure, but this has reached the point
where giving up is simply not an option anymore.

I wonder how long still before I have
the sense to go over to the guy and tell him to finish
up and get the fuck out of the way already, which of
course, I should have done good three hours ago or

Friday, 18th of October :: 7.00 pm

Hmm, time for a new layout soon, I wonder?
There are people I desperately have to write to, but
haven't gotten to it yet. Mostly. Ability to teleport
would be wonderful because right now I feel too tired
to get up, walk to the bus stop and catch a bus home.
A little morbid despite it's been a good day.

Metallica :: Unforgiven

(possibly the most beautiful song there is)

Tuesday, 15th of October :: 5.45 pm

The mall bomb was really freaky, wasn't it? I consider
Finland somewhat the safest country in the world but I
guess we have our rotten apples too who like to blow
up stuff. Ch'
I was out of town while it happened.
Social call at my ex-roomies new place last night,
it was nice ^^ Supposed to go see Ugetsu monogatari
with a fellow geologist tonight, and supposed to
invite Anu over sometime soon, she had some
hilarious dutch cartoons she wanted to watch.
Uhhuh, I do have a social life, apparently..

Friday, 11th of October :: 13.05 pm

Sheesh. Imagine what it's like to try and scribble the
what's supposed to be the final version of your
Japanese essay 12.30 am tired, drunk, sleep deprivated
and godknowswhat with shaky hands. Good time to try
and get a 12-stroke kanji right I say. Had to help
organize the freshman party yesterday y'see, though
don't think I was all that useful but heck. Had to be
there so I went, my biggest feat being getting out the
four freshmen who'd gotten stuck in an elevator. Lost
interest around 11 pm, got home, finished the essay,
went to work, got back home to do the rest of my
homework, and ran into a giggling roommate in the stairway
while on my way out and she on her way in about 8.50 am.
We chatted for a moment and I even made it to my Jp
lecture on time. Now I should go get a few things from
the stores and catch a train over to my parents'.

Am definitely skipping philosophy today because, duh,
I have my limits.
The whole week's been all the same.

Monday, 7th of October :: 19.55 pm

Forgot to mention, the annual film festival in
Helsinki where they show all kinds of totally crazy
films from all over the world that our Hollywood-
centered mainstream movie theatres would never show,
I didn't completely miss it this year. Yay XD
It's not just the fact that you get to watch something
you wouldn't see for the rest of the year, it's also
that you get to see it in some small, dark, literally
underground theatre and for half the price that you'd
watch some crap with Ben Afflect in it.
Being the predictable me, the four films I went to see
were all Japanese but heck, I'm interested in the
culture and the kind of movies they produce, and it's
one of the few chances of hearing some authentic
Japanese here, so can't stay out of it can I? ^^

Dark Water was somewhat the scariest movie I've ever seen,
it's been way over a week by now and I still have
second thoughts about drinking from the tab. Insanely
good piece, says a thing or two about modern welfare
society and neglected children, and the ending was
horrible and sad and beautiful all at once.
Princess Blade entertaining futuristic
assassin -thing with breathtaking sceneries and battle
coregraphy, but kinda lacked some sorta solution.
It was inspired by a manga which made me think maybe
people should read the manga instead, could make more
sense that way. Ah well. Very nice.
Ichi the Killer was either sick or fucking amazing,
still haven't decided about it. Having somewhat
contradictory opinions about it, I doubt I'd want to
see it again, like...ever, but I'd have the movie
poster on my wall any day of the week if only there
was a place where I could get it ^^
And in my opinion Ichi the person was interesting only
as the complete opposite of the renegade yakuza
Kakehara who was...yum ^^
19 was the most boring one of the lot, a sort of
a road movie that starts kinda interesting but ends up
with no action whatsoever, which wouldn't be so bad,
but having practically no dialogue is unforgivable.
Duh >< Didn't like.

Well, that was kinda old news but felt like mentioning
it anyway ^^ More recently, was at Dee-chan's and J-san's place
last weekend, chatting, and watching the best parts of FFX
(these Squaresoft people are crazy O.O),
Metal Gear Solid 2 (a) trying to keep up with the plot
requires fast thinking and advanced English
*huff huff* XD, b) Raiden is *such* a bish =P)
and Silent Hill 2 (eek! XD), not to mention of course
the latest version of TQFA Dee-chan had underway. Whee!
Had lotsa fun! XD (hence BIG THANKS to Dee and J for
having me over, totally luv ya guys!!! ^___^)
They have PS2, I don't. The world is so unfair.

Err, still no email, sorry friends. I'm typing this
because it works as sort of 'hey I'm really busy but
haven't forgotten ya' -type of social mail.
Sort of.
This week's gonna be hectic. Read some lj's and other
sites though, so I know at least some of the stuff
that's going on with you people which makes me happy ^^

Random online test at a whim, fished out of...
Aquarina's site, was it..?
Don't know what her source may be..

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

Oh very funny. Ain't gonna break stuff, gotta buy more
kitchenware rather. Ch' ^^

*goes home*

Sunday, 29th of September :: 9.27 pm

I'm on that workload now I meantioned earlier. Just
finished writing one stupid essay and surprisingly
fast at that considering the time I spent distracted
by another writing project altogether *gnehehe*
Pretty much did the Chinese composition on a 25-minute
train ride yesterday afternoon, now I just have to
rewrite it with kanji that someone could actually
read. I haven't had time for my Chem exam tomorrow
yet, so that would take the rest of my evening, and
I gotta to go to work at 2 am. The damned excursion is
around, what, ten am, which leaves me just enough time
to drop the Chinese thing to my teacher and maybe read
something about lab security. I know the next I get to
sleep will probably be somewhere tomorrow afternoon
after the exam and I'm already developing a headache.
Ah well ^^

mood :: writing high

music ::
(my CD player doesn't play anything else anymore, I
mean it, the piece of junk is falling to pieces, god
knows *I'd* gladly listen to something else for a

Thursday, September 26th :: 8.20 pm

Got a rather interesting workload due next Monday.
A day excursion to the Geological Research Center on
said day with the freshmen, a chem lab security exam,
and the deadline of two essays of which one in
Chinese. I've been taking the classes for what, two
weeks, and she wants us to write what she calls
'a small composition' of at least 100 kanji (and
because right now I can think of only two words with
more than two syllables in Ch. I'd say that equals to
50-70 words) the absurd thing being that I find it
fairly possible, though I suspect it's going to take
most of my weekend. Woo ^^

Being busy, that's about it.

Monday, September 23rd :: 3.15 pm

Wô zài dàxué xuéxí hànyû.

..don't ask. The Faculty of Science is being a bitch
and delaying courses and it appears I won't get any
proper geology done until somewhere in October maybe,
so in the meantime I'm doing basic geophysics,
Japanese, Chinese, and practicing Swedish with
Dee-chan over email. So ha XD
Chinese rules, let me tell you, so far it strikes me
as probably the easiest language I have seen, sheesh.
Okay, so the pronounciation is a little strange
for..probably anyone not Chinese, and the rather..ehh,
interesting writing system may take some getting used
to, but other than that the grammar is really really
beautiful in its simplicity =P
Of the languages I more or less speak or am studying,
those being Finnish, English, Swedish, French,
Japanese, and now Chinese, I've considered Finnish the
most difficult one, having by far the bitchiest
grammar ever (my native tongue, so it doesn't bother
me much), and Swedish the easiest (the lovely fact
that we learned it even when we didn't want to -don't
ask about the condition of my vocabulary though ^^; ),
but that's nothing compared to this latest foray of
mine: imagine not having to conjugate anything at all.
The stuff above says something like 'I'm studying
Chinese at a university.' btw. Literally:

'I' 'at' 'university' 'to study' 'Chinese language'

Wooee XD And my teacher was really pleased today when
I told her 'Wô juéde hànyû bu tài nán' 'I think
Chinese is not too difficult' or something. It's just
getting the accent right *hrehehe* ^^; --and trying to
memorize an insane amount of kanji.

Sheesh, I know I'm nuts, I'll probably start taking
Korean next year. Or Russian. Some geologist.
Cripes almighty..^^