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Name: Elsidra
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5'7"
Skin Tone: Light
Build: Average
Eyes: Blue Gray
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Hair Length: Curly and to Her Shoulders
Occupation: Apprentice Healer
Siblings: Identical Twin Sister and Fraternal Twin Brother
Parents: Married Holders
Origin: Large Hold
Pets: None

”Ugh, have I told you today how much I hate people,” Elsidra said as she sat heavily down at the table across from her identical sister.

”Not in the two hours since I last saw you,” the other woman answered with a shake of her head. “You know, you really shouldn’t say such things as a healer.”

”Why not? At least I’m honest about how I feel,” Elsidra answered with a huff as a servant brought her a plate of food.

”You don’t think that it’s even slightly inappropriate for someone studying to be a healer to say that they hate people,” Elmia asked with a raised eyebrow.

”Don’t look at me like that, Elmia. If you were dealing with the stupid people I had to deal with today, you’d say the same thing. If they aren’t going to do what they’re told, then they have no right to complain about the consequences,” Elsidra declared fiercely before sighing. “I don’t know. Maybe I should just switch to studying dragon healing like Elanris. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with stupid people anymore.”

”That might be the first intelligent thing that you’ve said in weeks,” Elanris commented coldly as he joined the two women. “But, you don’t have the brains to study alongside me, and unlike Elmia, I’m not going to hold your hand through all your tests. I’d hate it if you disgraced my good name with your poor marks. So, if you do decide to stop studying healing, I’d suggest leaving the hall all together. You might even be able to get married. I’m sure Jeyentai would probably have you.”

Elsidra took several deep breaths as she did her best not to throttle the man sitting next to her sister. “You’re so kind, dear brother, and if I put any stock in anything you actually said these days, I would thank you for your advice. But, since I know it’s just more of your sarcastic malice, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything at all.”

Elanris shrugged. “Suit yourself. I can’t help it if the truth hurts,” he stated flatly before turning his attention to his own plate, which had arrived a few minutes before.

Elmia sighed. “Why do you two always have to be like this? The three of us are siblings, born at the same time even. You’d think we’d be able to at least have lunch together without it turning into a fight. Elanris, you know Elsidra has decent marks in all of her classes, so there was really no need for your comment, was there,” she asked turning to her brother.

”But, you help her study for her tests, don’t you,” Elanris pointed out. “That’s the only reason that she has even decent marks.”

”Of course we study together, but it’s not like I’m helping just her or giving her answers during the tests. I study with a lot of people,” Elmia replied with a frown.

”Oh, you mean like that walking stick who couldn’t find numbweed if it was dangling in front of his nose,” Elanris asked with a snort. “Yeah, I guess he probably needs even more help than she does,” he said casting a glance at their other sister.

”Are you talking about Zer? What does he have to do with anything,” Elmia asked obviously confused by what her brother was trying to get at.

”Zer,” her brother repeated incredulously. “You have a pet name for him already? He’s only been here for a few sevendays, hasn’t he? You move a lot faster than I thought.”

”Zerynkel asked me to call him that, and I try to respect others’ wishes,” Elmia answered with a roll of her eyes. Even she was starting to lose patience with her brother at this point. Before anything else could be said, however, a green firelizard appeared from between chittering loudly. “Nai, what is it? Oh, dear, I’ll be there in a second,” Elmia said with a sigh as she quickly stood. “I have to go. I’ll see you two later.” With that, she left the room.

”Ten marks says that ‘Zer’ managed to injure himself yet again,” Elanris commented with derision before turning back to his plate.

Elsidra couldn’t help be snicker at that. It was a well known fact that Zerynkel was rather accident prone. Even though he’d only been at the hall for a few sevendays, it was rumored that he’d already seen every master healer in the place plus half the journeymen, and recently he’d taken an apparent shine to her sister who seemed to be the only one with enough patience to deal with him on any sort of regular basis. “Most likely,” she finally agreed and turned to her own plate, which she’d barely touched.

The two continued to eat in silence, and Elsidra had to wonder why her brother bothered to eat with them at all. He was usually silent, and when he wasn’t, he was insulting. She couldn’t figure out how he’d turned out so awful while Elmia was so kind and patient. Her thoughts were interrupted by an unexpected voice.

”Hey, do you mind if I join you,” a man with light brown hair asked politely as he stood next to the table.

”I was just leaving,” Elanris said as he stood up. He didn’t bother saying anything else before leaving the room.

”Is he always like that,” the new arrival asked as he took the vacated seat.

”Recently? Yes,” Elsidra replied with a shake of her head. “He used to be at least tolerable, but now, it’s like he hates everyone all the time.”

”Sounds like someone else I know,” the man said with a chuckle as he looked down at his plate with a sigh. “Tubers. Why must they always serve tubers?”

”If you don’t want them, I’ll eat them for you Jeyentai,” Elsidra offered as she made room on her own plate. “Though, you really should eat them yourself. You’re too skinny, and what do you mean ‘sounds like someone else I know’? I may say that I hate people, but I at least still talk to them. I don’t hole myself away from all human interaction.”

”I’ll have you know that I am the picture of health,” Jeyentai replied as he gestered to himself. “Everyone says so. ‘Jeyentai, you are the model for perfect health. Everyone should look like you. You’re so handsome,’” he quoted in an affected voice.

”Give me a break. No one has ever said that to you,” Elsidra returned as she kicked the slightly older man under the table even as she laughed.

”Hey! I need that leg,” Jeyentai complained as he rubbed his shin, “and remember I’m older than you. I’m already falling apart. What are you trying to do? Finish me off?”

”I thought you just said that you were the picture of health,” Elsidra said with a frown and a roll of her eyes.

”I was before you kicked me,” Jeyentai responded feigning extreme pain. “And now I’ve even developed a cough,” he continued with a fake cough.

”Well, I’m sorry. I can’t cure you,” Elsidra said with a very serious face. “So, I think you should prepare for the worst,” she added with a shake of her head as she stood. “I’ll see you around if you live through the day.”

”Oh, Els, you’re so hard-hearted. Can’t you see I’m in earnest,” the older man asked as he laid his head on the table.

”Well, lucky for you, there are plenty of healers around. I’m sure you’ll be fine,” she replied with a grin before bidding him a final farewell and heading out of the dining room. She had a meeting with one of the masters, and while she wasn’t looking forward to it, it was best not to keep him waiting. She quickly reached her destination and knocked on the door before entering the room.

”Ah, Elsidra,” an older man said in greeting as he looked up from the records he was looking at. “I’m glad you’re here. Please, take a seat. I have something that I wish to discuss with you.”

Elsidra did as she was told and took the only other seat in the room in front of the desk. She had a feeling she was in for another lecture on how to behave to patients, so she steeled herself as she gripped the the edges of the seat she had taken. “Yes, sir?”

”You can realx, young lady. I’m not going to lecture you, not today at least,” the master said seriously. “I am gathering a group of apprentices and journeymen to go with me to Aneris Hold. Sickness has struck there in great numbers, and it’s spreading to the weyr. They are expecting to have a Hatching any day now. I hope you can see the implications.”

”Yes, sir,” Elsidra answered seriously. “I would be happy to accompany you, sir.” This would be her first real assignment, and she wanted to prove herself.

”Very well. We’ll be leaving in three days. I trust you’ll be ready to go by then. You’re dismissed,” the man stated before waving her towards the door.

Elsidra quietly left the office and closed the door behind her. “Yes,” she exclaimed to herself as she pumped her fist in the air. This was a chance for her. She quickly made her way to her room. She needed to get her things together.

Elsidra Impressed Brown Artenth!


Brown Artenth - Elsidra
Size: 33m
Personality: Head-Strong
Sociability: Gentle
Traits: Out-spoken
Likes: Music
Dislikes: Being Ignored
Mating: Likes greens
Other: N/A

Elsidra is a candidate at Aneris Weyr.
Backgrounds by Marie