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Weyrwoman Yulara's Weyr

You decide to go to see the weyrwoman hoping she'll be there, so you can talk to her. You climb the many flights of stairs until you're sure that your legs will fall off. You finally reach the top floor and find the weyr easily enough.

You walk in and notice immediately the weyrwoman's decorating ability. There is a beautiful tapestry of a queen's flight hanging on the far wall. There are two tables set next to each other. You note with a laugh that although one is very neat and well kept, the other has hides strewn all over the top. Suddenly, someone taps you on the shoulder. You whirl around quickly and see the weyrwoman smiling up at you.

"Can I help you with something," she asks politely. She doesn't seem to mind the fact that you are in her weyr.

"No," you say quietly. "I just wanted to talk to you."

"What is it?" She asks in a serious manner.

"Oh, well, actually I just wanted to talk to you," you say guiltily. "But I know you have other things to do, so I won't waste your time."

"No, wait," she says with a big smile. "I woud love to talk. I 've been so busy with Elysith, I haven't had time to relax. I'm sure I have half a candlemark to waste."

You look at her with surprise. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure," she says walking over to the untidy table and sitting down. "Have a seat," she says indicating the other chair. You sit down. "What would you like to talk about?"

You think for a moment before you answer. "How did you become weyrwoman?"

"Well, that's a long story, but I'll give you the basic facts. I was a candidate at Dawn Sisters Weyr. That's were I Impressed my beautiful dragon Elysith."

Gold Elysith

"Go on," you say interested in her story.

"Well, Dawn Sisters was getting extremely crowded, so Weyrwoman Alora decided to have two weyrs set up close to Dawn Sisters to cut down some of the population. She chose me to set up one of the new weyrs. That's how Harana came into being. It's still getting on it's feet, but we're working on it. When Elysith flew for the first time here, Nerith caught her," she says dreamily. "I was so happy. T'zar is a great weyrmate and an excellent Weyrleader." She looks up. "Here he is now," she says getting to her feet and kissing him lightly on the cheek.

He blushes lightly and puts his arm around her. "I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, dear, but Elysith is getting restless because her beautiful rider isn't near," he says smiling.

"Thankyou T'zar. I knew she would be and that I couldn't stay away long." Her eyes glaze over as she receives a mental message from her dragon. "There she goes," she says after she mentally responds. "I better get down there before she starts bugling." She turns to you. "I'm terribly sorry that we were interrupted, but I must go," she turns to go and then stops. "Oh, I almost forgot," she says walking over to the table she was sitting at. "I wanted to show you this," she says handing you a piece of parchment.

You look at the drawing for a moment and then look back up. "This is a wonderful drawing. Who did it?"

"Weyrleader Shard from Kshau Protectorate drew that for us at the last Gather." A bugle rings through the weyr. "I really must go now," she says running out of the weyr. T'zar follows her saying," I have flights to keep track of as well as other things to do, so I must also leave. I hope you enjoy your stay at the weyr."

You stay for a moment longer looking at the drawing of the two leaders. Then you, too, leave the weyr to explore other parts.