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Growing up in Glenurquhart!
This is the first of several pages about the 10 years I lived in the "Glen",at Shenval and at school in Corrimony,in the 1960`s.

15 miles from Inverness (where I was born) is Drumnadrochit,and 6 miles up the GlenUrquhart road is Shenval. The Forestry Commission in their wisdom,built 10 houses there,5 blocks of two.There was also a cottage and a croft and a wooden garage for the forestry lorry. My family lived at the far end in no.10,next to a small river.

Bob,my Dad,was a Forester and worked from Balnain,about 3 miles down the road, under Tony Mackay,the Head Forester.Another Forester lived in Shenval at no1,along with a Ganger,a Lorry Driver and the rest of the Squad. Each house had children,ranging from babies up to late teens and early twenties.There was another wooden bungalow at the edge of the forest behind Shenval,and timber contracters and their family`s occasionally lived there.Dod Hay,the Horse/Wood man, lived in a wooden big wheeled caravan (gipsy style) there too,next to the dump and the Stable.Down at the bridge at the main road was a small saw-mill.The top map shows my usual route to school,either through the forest or up the road heading to Corrimony and then on to Cannich. Sometimes we waited for MacBraynes red and green bus and got a lift to school.
Our local buses looked like these ones

Corrimony Primary School is the next page!