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O.K.This is page 8!
Growing up in Glenurquhart!
This is the eighth of several pages about the 10 years I lived in the "Glen",at Shenval and at school in Corrimony,in the 1960`s.
Some of the things that happened at Corrimony School
Det`s room.The "Belt " hung on the wall behind Det`s desk,I once got six of the belt along with Billy Broadley.I was a big fan of the wrestling on tv on Saturdays,tea-time.Kent Walton was the commentator,Anyway,one lunch-time at school I became Jackie Pallo and Billy became Mick MacManus and we had a great "match",except we chose to have it ,not in the playground,but in Det`s garden,because her patch of green grass was just the right size for the " ring". We flattened all her flowers and she just about flattened us.

During the lunch-break,Det and Mrs Rice,the dinnerlady,would have a blether.Det sent the older boys up the forest to collect cones and sticks for the stove. We`d stack them behind the school wall and shoot of up the wood for a bit of exploration.We`d hear Det ringing the bell and bawling our names but dawdled back."Sorry Miss,we never heard the bell,we got you a load of sticks" That worked a few times until she lost her patience and belted us.

At break-time in the morning we got a quarter pint of milk each,in the winter it was often frozen and the crate was placed on top of the stove to try and thaw the ice in the milk.We sooked the milk out and tried to mush up the rest with the end of a ruler. At lunch-time,Dod MacKenzie, or Shinner would stop the MacBraynes bus at the school gates and we took it in turns to go out and collect 5 or 6 aluminium "drum" containers of hot food.They would contain things like mashed tatties and stew and apple crumble and custard. It was cooked down at Drumnadrochit and was also delivered to Balnain Primary School,further down the glen.We were always glad when there were a few pupils absent,as that meant second and sometimes third helpings.There was never any wasted food.

Go back. Birds,snakes,bucks and boils