#Ministry on Efnet

Jesus Christ was beaten and tormented till the very end of his human life. Why? Because he loves you and I, and one day,We too, who have given our hearts and soul to Jesus Christ will walk beside him in ever lasting paradise. It's not to late, people. Click on the 'flash file' in the web sites section. God Bless every one of you. - R. Williams 10/29/2003.


  • Sorry about the apperance of the web page, but.. looks don't matter =) I'm a n00b to this.. So please have patience with me for awhile. 10.03
  • This page has come along way, i've finally added color to the main page, and i'm redoing everything. 10.03
  • My dog, Chloe
  • Wow, it's been a year since i've even bothered to look at this website Everything is changing. 11.04

    Web Sites about Christianity and/or related subjects.

    Cafene's Web Page.................. added 11/03
    If You have doubts, click here! .added 10/03
    Who is Jesus Christ?.................added 03/03
    Ministry/Efnet Photo Album ......added 10/03
    A flash site. (good) ...................added 10/03
    Cross of Jesus Christ.................added 03/03
    Jesus Christ ..............................added 03/03
    Addicted to porn? click here! ....added 11/03
    Frequent Questions and Answers

    Channel Information

  • [10/2003] Well, I've finally got my own bots there. (3)
    who knows, maybe the channel will now thrive with
    people who's hearts are on fire with Jesus.
  • Please, e-mail me if you have/see any problems with the content on this web page. at: robertwilliams@knology.net .