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Blue Dawn's Native Genealogy


Dedicated in loving memory to Lovie Ann Compton, December 4,1937-September 6, 2003
We miss you, Mother

    Welcome to my website. I created this page in hopes that maybe some of the information I have gathered together about my native ancestors might be something that someone else is looking for, and also that if you are looking at my page and you see a connection and you have information that I do not have, maybe you will contact me and let us share what we have. My Native heritage is very important to me. Like many of you, I grew up knowing that we were "part indian", but never really questioning farther than that. And even though as a child I always felt a connection of some sort, it was much later in life that I began to really search for a better understanding of our ancestors and the lives that they lived before us. In doing this I have cried many, many tears as I read of the sufferings and persecutions that our people were forced to endure. I have been angry- I have been sad- but more than anything, I have been so VERY PROUD to be a descendant of these wonderful, gentle, proud, and loving people, who wanted nothing more than to live and to love and to allow others to do the same, but instead, were viciously driven from their homelands - tortured, ridiculed, and many, many even killed- why? Simply, because they were Indian!

    NOTICE: I want to take a minute to thank everyone that has been visiting my website, and to apologize for being so negligent on updating for quite some time now. Several deaths in the family over the past few years along with some other personal health issues has prevented me from being able to get in here and do what I needed to. But hopefully within the next few days I will have everything caught back up.

    I am Native American Indian Mixed-Blood, and very proud of it. I am a direct descendant of Celia Little and Thomas Teackle Taylor, and will include a surname list on this page, so if any of these names are familiar to you, please email me and we will share information.

    Blue Dawn's Surname List:

    Bell, Cheney, Chandler, Compton,


    Little, Merchant, O'mary, Palmer, Ross,

    Sanders, Sanderson, Smith,Taylor,Weeks

    Click links below to begin your tour through Blue Dawn's Native Genealogy Pages Are you or someone you know dealing with the pain of grief and loss due to cancer? Click here to visit Through Tears of Love

    Please also visit our new Christian website for some good Bible study, prayer, and lots more.

    I am looking forward to hearing from any of you who may have a connection to any of the branches of this ever growing family tree, so please use the handy form below to drop me a line and let me know you were here, or that you would like to share information or even just to say "Hi"! I am using the form in the place of a guestbook, and whatever you put in the comment box will come directly to my email.

    Blue Dawn's Native Genealogy Feedback

    or you may email

    The links below are to some websites that were very helpful to me when I first started this adventure. They are all wonderful sites with lots of valuable information. Do go and visit them. You will be glad you did. I check the list regularly to make sure everyone is still there, but if you should find a dead link on my page, please let me know, so that I can remove it. Also, if you have a website and you would like a link to it placed here, please send me the address to your site so I can visit it and add it to the list.

    Most of the graphics on my pages are courtesy of Sam Silverhawk. I have a link to his beautiful website below. However, if I do have a graphic on here that belonged to you without proper credit, please know that it was not intentional, and send me an email so that I can give you credit. My Favorite Links: Click to View or Add Links.

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