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Jet Force Gemini cheats

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INVALID CODE??This code was reported invalid by Users-You Decide

At the character select screen press the Analog Stick RIGHT 3 times then Left 1 time to pick Lupus. When the game starts press C-Right, C-Right, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, C-Right, C-Up, C-Up, C-Up. If you hear Lupus bark the code was correctly entered. Now press A to see the items available and B to drop that item.

Long Jump

INVALID CODE??This code was reported invalid by Users-You Decide

Press and hold A to do the Long jump or C-Up to do a super jump

Flying Objects Hint

To avoid flying objects, duck behind a tree and run sideways to avoid the objects

Special Abilities

Juno - Walk on Fire

Vela - Swim

Lupus - Hover (press C-Down)

Get Ants into Pants Mode

Get 300 ant heads to get this option in the cheat menu.

Get Rainbow Blood Mode

Get 100 ant heads to get this option in the cheat menu.

Get jet Force Kids Mode

Get 200 ant heads to get this option in the cheat menu.

Get Yellow Ant in Deathmatch

Contact the hidden Totem pole as Vela in Goldwood

Get Blue Ant in Deathmatch

Contact the hidden Totem pole in SS Anubis - Generator Room 2F

Get Red Ant in Deathmatch

Contact the hidden Totem pole as Juno in Ichor - Military Base

Get Green Ant in Deathmatch

Contact the hidden Totem pole in Spawn Ship - Cargo Sewer

Get Female tribal in Deathmatch

Get the mine key first. Now contact the hidden Totem pole as Vela in Rith Essa - Mine

Get Male tribal in Deathmatch

Use Lupus to get the Magenta Key at Eschebone - Thorax, Left Intestine. Now contact the hidden Totem pole as Lupus in Sekhmet - Channel Area

Get Metallic Termite in Deathmatch

Contact the hidden Totem pole as Lupus in Sekhmet - Go across spiral walkway

Get Beetle Termite in Deathmatch

Contact the hidden Totem pole as Vela in Tawfret - Tomb Area

Get Zombie Termite in Deathmatch

Contact the hidden Totem pole as Lupus in Tawfret - Treehut Area

Get Purple termite in Deathmatch

Contact the hidden Totem pole as Juno in Mizar's Palace

Get Cyborg Ant in Deathmatch

Use Floyd to get a expert rank on all the Floyd levels

Multiplayer Levels

Level Do This 
Rith Essa Target Range Get Gold Rank on Eschebone Floyd Level 
Goldwood Target Range Get Gold Rank on Goldwood Floyd Level 
Jeff & Barry Arcade Racing Get 1st Place on Jeff & Barry Racing at Ichor Arcade 
Jeff & Barry Arcade Racing 2 Get 1st Place on Jeff & Barry Racing 2at Ichor Arcade 
Mizar 3D Racer Get 1st Place at races at Mizar's Palace 
Greenwood Village Race Track Get 1st place on both of the Jeff and Barry Arcade Racing machines in Ichor Arcade 
Tunnels Contact the hidden Totem pole as Vela in Rith Essa Waterfalls 
Rith Essa Mine Get powered jetpacks then contact the hidden Totem pole in Walkway Station 
King of Hill Contact the hidden Totem pole in Cerulean Holding Room 
Space Station Contact the hidden Totem pole as in Space Station Basement 

Floyd Piece Locations

These are the locations of all the Floyd pieces in the Tawfret courtyard type place. 

1.  On top of the walkway near Gimlets house

2.  Inside the chimney and down the path on top of Gimlets house.

3.  Blow up the door near the back of Gimlets house and walk inside.  

proceed to the area where Floyd is and talk to hi, and then he will follow you around and be available for use in two player co-op.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Jet Force Dan on Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 19:13:22

Weapon Locations

As Juno

Machine Gun- destroy the Infantry weevil behind the Red key door in Goldwood

Plasma Shotgun- at the Start of the S.S. Anubis, turn right and walk to the wall and turn right, climb the boxes and open the chest.  Hold Z to power it up!

Tri Rocket Launchers- King Jeff will give them to you after you talk to him in tawfret 

Sniper Rifle- Go into the little house by Gimlets place and destroy the drone and rescue the tribal, then open the chest.  

Flares- Find them in the shed after blowing up the door. 

Cluster Bombs- Blow up the glass in the conveyor belt room in S.S. anubis and follow the path until you see the box that holds the cluster bombs.

Shurikens-  Destroy the big crate in the end of the drone filled tunnels in goldwood where all the tribals and drones are. THen pick up the Yellow Key and return to the field with King Jeffs hut.  GO past it and cross the water and enter the large door.  Destroy the Stag and pick up the Shurikens.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by dan the Man on Monday, October 18, 1999 at 15:57:06

Homing Missle Launcher location

Its me again, just found the location of the most powerful gun in the game!! The HOMING MISSILE LAUNCHER!!!!  To find it, you must go to the ss anubis and climb the boxes you climbed to find the PLasma Shotgun.  then, climb the baxes behind it and go in the door on the upper level.  Continue through the depository of the ss anubis, enter the room with your ship, rescue all or all of the tribals you can find, because some are hidden in the darkness of the room for a total of nine tribals, enter your ship and you will be whisked away to the peak walkway.  Walk up to the building, destroy all of the soldier drones guarding the area, and enter, inside is a trapdoor that leads to two tribals and a crapload of shield wielding soldier drones.  don't go down there just yet.  also in the room is a diamond gezzer station, and located in the corner are the HOMING MISSLES!!! Thank you and enjoy!!!

This Cheat/Hint submitted by DAN The MAN on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 17:33:16

Here are some locations of weapons for Vela.

pistol- start with

grenades- in the first room you start in in Sekhmet.

Machine Gun- IN the first room with two locks that must be opened by destroying all drones, destroy the first wave of drones, and a door will open, don't enter it yet, pick off all the snipers, and the new wave of soldier drones.  the second door will open, allowing you to get the machine gun, which will allow you too open the target lock in the next drone room which will contain the PLASMA SHOTGUN!!!!  Fishface will give you the red key, AND THEN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PROCEED TO THE docking bay, which i havent found yet ( shut up, i am at mizars palace with juno.)

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Dan the Man on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 17:43:42

Get homing missile launcher(Vela)

Go to Cerulean and go into the room with all the stalagmites, a yellow key door, and the lifeforce door.As soon as you enter, stay on the left wall and keep going until you find a cave entrance.Go in there and you shoul see a weapon chest, gemini capacity increaser, four Mizar Tokens, and a full machine gun ammo box.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Anonymous ( on Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 18:10:10

Break Lupus's Big Falls

Playing as Lupus, when you fall, tap up c to make him hover for a little bit. Let him fall some more, than tap up c again. Do this over and over until you land! Note: This won't work if you fall off a cliff.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Joe ( on Sunday, December 19, 1999 at 20:18:54

Exploding Drones

Here's a easy way to kill the drones especially sniper drones. When they pull out a grenade shoot then in the hand to blow up the grenade in his hand, or sometimes when you shoot him he'll hold on to the grenade till it blows:)

This Cheat/Hint submitted by mega_man2000x on Monday, December 13, 1999 at 20:23:42

How to get Flamethrower Ammo

To get flamethrower ammo anywhere you want, find a tribal with a lantern.  Some places are the Gem Quarry and Mizar's Palace.  Shoot the tribal once in the foot, or kill it even though it's better if you don't, and then pick up the lantern that it dropped.  This serves as flamethrower ammo.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by MechJunoX13 ( on Friday, November 26, 1999 at 13:31:16

Homming missile launcher for lupus!!

Go to Rita Essa, go to the area where there is a water fall and a door where you need a blue key. To your right there should be a ramp. Go up the ramp to the first turn and look to the water fall and you should see a Gemini Capasity increase. Hover over to it and you should see a cave opening. Go in and then you should see a box and a few coins open the boxe and that's where the missiles are!! have fun 

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Rick on Friday, November 26, 1999 at 09:30:21

Unlimited Mizar Tokens 

First start a new game and then go thru the first door you see.This door is located behind Magnus.Then go to the right.There should be a door.This door is not along the path.Go thru it and there should be 5 Mizar tokens. collect them and exit thru the same door.Go back in and tere should be five more!Repeat this until you have as many as you want.Have fun impresing your friends!       

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Mr.Cheat ( on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 14:22:39

More Unlimited Mizar Tokens

You should know about the other tip to get unlimited  mizar tokens but this is another place where you keep getting 12 Mizar tokens at a time. These Toakens are also in goldwood(the first level) but you cant get to them before you have either cluster bombs, the tri-rocket launcher, or the homing missle launcher. After you get one of these three go back to goldwood.
1. go past king Jeff's hut.
2. keep on going through the level until you get to the place where you have to destroy all of the drones and sniper drones to open the tunnels and the life force door.
3. Kill all of the drones in the area and rescue all of the tribals.
4. Look around, there should be two huts with boarded up doors.
5. Blow up the boards covering the entrances to the huts.
6. From the angle of the way you came from to get to that area, the hut on the left is the one you should go in first.
7. Once you are in you should see 12 Mizar tokens. You can collect them and then come back in and get more and more and more.
8. Just so's you know, in the other hut is a computer that can refiil your health, or give you an ammo fill up.
               GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!
This Cheat/Hint submitted by Quicksilver ( on Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 19:39:02

Get Tribal Heads

This trick should enable you to get more tribal heads in JFG!  Use the sniper rifle when shooting the poor tribals.  See how many tribal heads you can get to acquire cheats!

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Richard on Friday, January 14, 2000 at 14:42:56

Ecsbone Cheat

At Ecsbone (the 3rd of the Lupes levels)In the 3rd room to get into the Big Monster Mouth reguarly is to throw a grenade in it's
mouth but here is a easier way:If you are Lupes You can use your hover boots to go in.
NOTE:You have to jump REALLY high to make it
NOTE:If you are Juno or Vela you have to use
the grenade way. 

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Brett Finnicum on Friday, January 14, 2000 at 16:33:40

How to get the Shocker

Go to the *Spawnship* and to the section with the room filled with lava there is a bridge with two missing parts on it. There is a Building that looks like a generator, at the back their is a door go into it and there is a chest, open it and there is a shocker. You get the shocker this way with Juno and Lupus.
To get it with Vela enter the room with the elevator, go up the elevator into the door, you should end up on a bridge with flying droids, jump off the bridge into the water below, go into the deep water were there is a door. You end up in room with some droids, kill them end go into the life force door. The next room has some droids with shields kill them preferably with a tri-rocket launcher and then go into the life force door. The next room has a chest with a shocker in it in the room with 3 tribals.  

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Greg Heck ( on Friday, February 4, 2000 at 01:56:36

Tribals  For  Pieces

A lot of people have asked me how to get the last spaceship piece after you beat Mizar.  Well it's really annoying because you have to save every tribal in the game to recieve the last spaceship piece so that you can beat the game!
note:  it will probably take you a while so get over it!

This Cheat/Hint submitted by jet force gemini on Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 20:59:16

Unlimited Fuel!!!

Not completely unlimited, but if you hold the down-c button instead of up, you only use half the fuel!!!

This Cheat/Hint submitted by SGD Shadow on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 08:08:04

Sercert Item

There are a number of secert items for Juno,
Vela, And Lupus!

Juno's Crowbar- 
First you get the pants(In a tree with red ants) Then find Gimlet in tafret cort yard
talk to him and give him the pants, then he will give you a crowbar(helps you open trap

Vela's gold bars-
Callect the gold bars at Cerulen at the 
bigining area . The next area after the life
force door look for a ant and look for some
water and at the left then look for a pipe 
and on top is a goldbar then go to fish face 
and trade it for a tri rocket .

Lupus's night vision goggles-  
When you start Chasm look around then there 
should be two Tribles then go to the wall 
there should be 5 flying enimies and 4 
Bettle Termites kill them and enter the 
Life Force door.There should be a chest 
open it then it will give you night vision  

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Mark Zuniga on Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 21:21:33

Get Remote Mines

Go down chimney of Gimlets house and go around through the tunnels until you find two black boxes stacked next to each other. Blow-up these boxes, crawl down the tunnel and open the box. Note: around through these tunnels are Mizar tokens, health, and ammo.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by FloJo on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 12:56:42

How to get Proximity Mine For Juno

Go to Sekmet and go in the red key door then there is a jet pack pad then fuel up if you have jet for
Juno and Vela.Jet up to a secret door follow a trail that leeds you to a spaceship go to it then it will take you to
Water Ruin then go in back of something and if you see a silver box press A then it will open and give you Proximity Mine. 

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Matthew on Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 22:47:15

Hidden Cheats

Collect 100 bug heads=Rainbow Blood
Collect 200 bug heads=Jet Force Kids
Collect 300 bug heads=Ants In Pants

(note:to use these codes you have to go to the cheats icon on the start menu.)

This Cheat/Hint submitted by anonymous on Sunday, July 30, 2000 at 09:41:03 

Extra Level as Juno

To get the yellow key with Juno, you must be at Goldwood. At the first small village, you must kill all of the Drones. Just before you leave through the metal Life-Form door, there is a smaller wooden one beside it. go in and fight off numerous Drones. Then you will reach a place will a few Tribals and two Drones. Then you will see a box that you can shoot. There is the yellow key.
 Then go to the S.S Anubis and turn right as soon as you start. Jump up a few blocks and pick up the Plasma Shotgun while your at it. Jump up to the walkway and you will see a door that requires the yellow key. You will then enter a high platform and you will see a door. Go through it. Then a big block maze will slow you down. But at the end you will go through a door. You will see your ship and a lot of Tribals. After you collect the Tribals, go to your ship and then you can go to the level called the Walk Through. There you will get a few weapons such as Homing Missiles.
 Now you get that level on your map.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Derek J Smith on Monday, July 24, 2000 at 17:55:59

Easy Way to Beat First Mizar

When you battle the first Mizar, The most easiest and simplest way to beat him is to keep side stepping (C-Left and C-Right) while shooting him directly in the face.


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Nintendo Dude on Monday, June 26, 2000 at 11:23:02

Get Water Ruin (level)

First, go to Secmet with Juno, having the red and green keys. Enter the door the does not need a key. You will be on a walkway. Follow it to the red key door.GO in. Find the jetpack fuel and fill up! Then fly to the dark walkway. Go to your left and pass the 2 doors. Go in the green key door. Go down the road until you find a walkway on the right (do not go in the door on the end of the walkway). Get in your ship and BOOM!!! Your in the water ruin! (don't shoot anything here.)

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Chase Decoteau on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 at 17:27:12

How To Get The Flamethrower

Go to the level Spacestation, and instead of going straight right when you get there you should drop down the hole where your ship is parked. (note the lava edged sides of the burnt metal can't hurt you) when you drop down you should look to your right ,go straight,  jump on the boxes to get up the holes, keep on going (watch out for the edge) until you see a weapon holding case and grab the flamethrower.  When you shoot an enemy they will go crazy and shoot back at you. 

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Tyler B. Sowards  on Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 18:23:31
