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Grandbois to Grumbo,Chippewa Indian


On this page you will find Historical Information, such as: Obituaries, Land Scrips, Death Certificates, Some Stories, and whatever else I can dig up on my Ancestors.

History Page

The pictures on this page come from my Father's collection of Post Cards and Picture Post Cards dating back to 1901. My Father traveled the states and the world for over 25 yrs of his life.


Grave site of Louis Grandbois & Angelique Cadotte (killed by Sioux Indians)

Note: Louis and Angelique were listed, as being Lake Superior Chippewa Indians.

Louis Grandbois, who is my Great, Great, Great, Grandfather came out of St Norbert Canada and settled in the Pembina territory of Minnesota/North Dakota. No one is sure as to how the name GRANDBOIS became GRUMBO. Some say, it was due to poor Census spellers, which is quite possible. Others have rumored that the name change came from an event that caused the name to be changed. The name Grandbois has gone through a transitional period. I have seen it spelled in many different forms. Grandlois, Grumbois, Grambo, Grumbeau, Grombo and many other renditions of the name Grandbois. No matter how you spell it, their history is deeply rooted in their Indian and French Ancestry. Thier roots can be traced all the way to Quebec, Canada. They had influence in the Hudson Bay Company. They have relation to princess's and to Louis Riel, who is considered by many, the Father of Manitoba. Some of the Grandbois were full-blooded Indians, others were Metis, or half breeds. Canadians would call them, "Aborignals". The Grandbois are related to a Giant in the 1st World Fair. They are related to the famous Quellettes from the Battle of Batoche in Canada during the late 1800's. However you spell the name, The Grandbois, the Big Wood family are Indians with a rich, deep history. Some say they can be traced all the way back to the 1400's. They have a history that they can be proud of.

My father told me a story of an event which took place with him back in the 40's. My father was in the military at the time. He had traveled to Montana and stopped at a bar to have a few drinks with some friends. The establishment refused to serve him, because his skin was dark and he looked Indian. I'll admit, that as a nation, as a society, we have come along ways in the past decades, but we still have along way to go. It wasn't until 1948, I believe, that Indians were given the right to vote.

Another Story of the Same Origin

I remember my Brothers and I and my husband stopping in a bar in a small town west of Minot and they would not serve my mom because she was Indian ,so we told them if they can't serve her then they couldn't serve us either because we are also Indian's. We told them what they could do with there drinks and left. We were pretty mad. I didn't think that was still going on. I can't remember exactly what year it was but it was in the early sixties.

This story was told by Kitty, Doris's daughter.


To save time & space I will enter the information off of the Certificates, instead of placing the document on this page.

Patrick Grumbo

County: Marshall

Township: Fork

State: Minnesota

Sex: Male

Race: French-Indian

Date of Birth: 1870

Place of Birth: Pembina, N.D.

Occupation: Farming, laborer

Age at Death: 76yrs

Father's Name: Louis Grandbois/Grumbo

Mother's Name: Josephine Little Grumbo

Buried At: St Joesph Cementary

Norman Joseph Grumbo


Township: Hallock


Sex: Male


Date of birth: 2-22-1875

Place of Birth: Drayton, N.D.

Occupation: Laborer

Age at Death: 70

Nathan C.Grandbois


City: Minneapolis

State: Minnesota


Date of birth:8-10-1838

Place of Birth: Canada

Occupation: Farmer

Age at death: 80

Stanley Grumbo, Randy Anderson, Albert Grumbo

Wilfred Grombo-aka-Grumbo



Date of birth:10-7-1866

Place of Birth: Pembina, North Dakota

Occupation: Laborer

Age at death: 78

Alex J. Grandbois

State: Minnesota


Date of Birth:4-25-1882

Date of Death:12-25-1948

Occupation: RailRoad Worker

Age at death:66

Allen Anderson, son of Albert Grumbo Anderson

LaVern C.Grandbois


Sex: Male

Date of Birth:11-16-1913

Date of death:1965

Occupation: Meat Cutter

Age at death:78

Grave of Albert Grumbo Anderson and wife Elenor

Grandbois/Grumbo children who died young

Linda Grandbois-b-5-28-1951-d-6-25-1951

Mary Ann Grandbois-b-5-19-1949-d-5-19-1949

Phillip James Grandbois-b-11-12-1944-d-11-12-1944

Howard Grandbois-b-1-2-1898-d-4-13-1910


  • Script reads as follows:
  • Dominion of Canada
  • Province of Manitoba
  • County of: Selkirk
  • City of: Winnipeg
  • I, "Jerimie Grandbois" of the parish of, "Ste Agathe" in the County of, "Provencher" in the Province of, Manitoba, "Laborer" make an oath as follows:

    1. I claim to be entitled to participate in the allotment and distribution of the 1,400,000 acres of land set apart for half-breed children pursuant to the statutes in that behalf.

    2. I was born on or about day of August, A.D. 1851 at the parish of St. Norbert, in said Province; and am now of the full age of 28 years.

    3. Louis Grandbois a half-breed is my father. Angelique Cadotte, my mother, my said father was a half-breed head of the family resident in the said Parish of Ste Agathe in the said Province on the 15th day of July, A.D. 1870.

    4. I was not the head of any family at last date, and I have not made any claim other than the above in this or any Parish, nor have I claimed as an Indian any Annuity money from the government of said dominion.

    Sworn before me me at the city and county aforesaid, on the 11th day of July A.D. 1879, having been first read and explained in the "French" language to said deponet who seemed perfectly to understand the same and "made his mark" in my presence.

    -The above Scrip was signed by Jeremie Grandbois-

    Jeremie Grumbo


  • Script reads as follows:
  • Dominion of Canada
  • Province of Manitoba
  • County of: Selkirk
  • Parish of: Ste Agathe
  • I, "Louis Grandbois" of the parish of, "Ste Agathe" of, "Provencher" in the said Province, make an oath as follows:

    1. I am the Half-Breed head of a family resident in the Parish of St Agathe in said Province, on the 15th day of July, A.D. 1870, and consisting of myself and "family" and I claim to be entitled as such head of family to recieve a grant of one hundred sisty acres of land or to recieve Scrip for one hundred sixty dollars pursuant to the statute in that behalf

    2. I was born on or about "winter of" A.D. 1874 "in the Northwest Territories.

    3. Louis Grandbois, my father; and Margaret Landry, my mother.

    4. I have not made or caused to be made any claim of land or Scrip other than the above in this or any Parish in said Province, nor have I claimed or recieved as an Indian any Annuity money from the government of said dominion.

    Sworn before me me at the city and county aforesaid, on the 27 day of August A.D. 1878, having been first read and explained in the "French" language to said deponet who seemed perfectly to understand the same and "made his mark" in my presence.

    -The Scrip is signed by Louis Grandbois-

    Louis Grumbo

    The obits are as follows: 1. Josephine Grumbo ( sorry I couldn't get it any better without overloading the page). 2. Josephine Grumbo 3. Della Fredrick-aka-Della Grumbo, daughter of Josephine Grumbo. 4. Clifford Grumbo, brother of Della Grumbo, mother was Josephine Grumbo. 5. John Anderson, son of Della Fredrick-aka-Grumbo. 5. Eva Grumbo.

    Josephine "Petit" Grumbo


    Death came today to Mrs. Josephine Grumbo, 100-year-old former minot woman, who as a child helped her parents barricade their cabin, located in what is now the northeastern part of North Dakota, against bands of roving Indians.

    Mrs. Grumbo, believed to have been the oldest resident of Ward county, died at 2:13 am today at the home of her Daughter, Mrs Havlor Locken, southeast of Burlington.

    She was born Aug. 18, 1839, near Pembina, and spent her entire life in this state.

    Her father was an Indian fighter and a farmer who moved down from Canada to make his home in the unsettled Great Northwest territory, part of which later became North Dakota.


    Mrs.Grumbo whose madien name was Josephine Petit dit Thomas, was born in a little log cabin near Pembina.

    She often recounted hair-raising tales of early days to her children, seven who are living. She was the mother of 14 children.

    The pioneer woman spent the early part of her life in the vicinity of Pembina and then moved to the Grafton vicinity. Later the family moved to Drayton, where Mrs. Grumbo made her home for nearly 10 years.

    In 1929 she came to Minot and made her home here until moving with her daughter to Burlington township a year and a half ago.


    The oldest of her surviving children is Fred Grumbo, now 74 years of age and living in Bemidy, Minn. The youngest is over 50 years of age.

    Surviving besides Fred and Mrs. Locken, are Pat Grumbo and Norman, living in Minnesota. Alex of Longview, Wash. Mrs Theodore Bolduc of Drayton and Mrs. Della Fredrick of Minot.

    Her husband died in 1915. He was over 70 years of age.

    Mrs. Grumbo often told her children of trips she made to the northwest part of the state as a young woman. She passed over the site where Minot is now located many years before a city began to grow here. The trips, most of them buffalo hunting expeditions, were made with Red River Carts.

    She was a friend of Louis Napoleon LaTrallie, 99 year old Minoter, who is bedridden at St. Joseph's hospital here. LaTrallie was born in the vicinity of Wahalla, N.D. a year after Mrs. Grumbo's birth. They became acquainted in the early days.


    Mrs. Grumbo remembered Father Belcourt, early Catholic missionary in Dakota territory, and was acquainted with many familiar figures of early North Dakota days, including Norman Kittson, early Red River valley pioneer.


  • Listed are the following:
  • Alexander Grumbo [Grombeau].
  • Years Attended: 1882-1894
  • Lizzie Grumbo [Grumbeau].
  • Years Attended: 1892-1894
  • Mary Grumbo [Grumbeau].
  • Years Attended: 1892-1894


  • State: North Dakota
  • County: Pembina
  • City: Drayton City
  • Date: 29th day of April

  • Head of Household: George Grumbo

  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthplace: Minnesota
  • Martial Status: Married
  • Parents born in Manitoba, Canada

  • Wife: Della Grumbo

  • Age: Hard to make out, 19?
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthplace: North Dakota
  • Parents born in Manitoba, Canada

  • Della Grumbo and 2nd husband Randy Anderson

    Children listed:

  • Henry------age: 6yrs
  • Florence---age: 5yrs
  • John-------age: 3yrs
  • Albert-----age: 1 1/2

  • Head of Household: Louis Grumbo

  • Age: 63
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthplace: Manitoba, Canada
  • Martial Status: Married
  • Parents born in Manitoba, Canada

  • Wife: Josephine Grumbo

  • Age: 60
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthplace: Manitoba, Canada
  • Parents born in Canada

    Children Listed:

  • Patrick--------age: 36
  • Alexander------age: 26
  • Lula-----------age: 19

  • Louis Granbois,aka,Grumbo and sons

    Head of Household: Fred Grumbo

  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthplace: Manitoba, Canada
  • Martial Status: Married
  • Parents born in Manitoba, Canada

    Wife: Alphonsine Grumbo

  • Age:20
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthplace: North Dakota
  • Parents born in Manitoba, Canada

    Children Listed:

  • Annie---------age: 5
  • Eva-----------age: 3
  • Ethel M-------age: 1 1/2

  • Fred Grumbo

    Head of Household: Charles Fredrick

  • Age: 62
  • Gender: Male
  • Martial Status: Married
  • Birthplace: Manitoba, Canada
  • Parents born in Manitoba, Canada

  • Wife: Delea Fredrick

  • Age: 59
  • Birthplace: Manitoba, Canada
  • Parents born in Manitoba, Canada

    Children Listed:

  • Eva-----------age: 15

  • Theodore Quellette

    1860 Census Dakota Territory, Pembina

  • Louis Grandbois-----age: 22
  • Wife: Marie---------age: 18
  • Daughter: Suzanne---age: 1
  • Occupation: Farmer

  • 1870 Census Dakota Territory, Pembina

  • Louis Grambois (aka: Grandbois)----age:45
  • Wife: Mary-------------------------age:30
  • Son: Louis-------------------------age:23
  • Son: Joseph------------------------age:17
  • child: "Female" name unreadable:---age:15
  • Daughter: Josephine----------------age:10

  • 1900 Census Tein Township, Minnesota

  • Louis Grombo (aka: Grandbois)------age:54/b-Dec 1845
  • Wife: Susie (aka Josephine)--------age:41/b-Aug 1858
  • Son: Pat---------------------------age:27/b-June 1873
  • Son: Alex--------------------------age:17/b-March 1883
  • Daughter: Delfina------------------age:12/b-July 1888 (?? this. Della shows her birth date as July 1890, and this is Della Grumbo.)
  • Daughter:Lula----------------------age:9/b-May 1891( This is not Della Grumbo as some genealogy reports show. Della and Lula were sisters.)
  • Nephew: Stranger Philip-----------age:27/b-July 1872

  • 1900 Census Tein Township, Minnesota

  • Norman Grombo---------------------age:24/b-July 1872
  • Wife: Rosie-----------------------age:16/b-May 1884
  • Father: Louis---------------------age:90/b-1810
    Note: Louis Sr, shows his birth date as winter of 1825 Canadian Scrip Documents.
  • Sister-in-Law:Alphonsine Fredrick-Age:20/b-Nov 1879
  • Nephew: Joseph Fredrick-----------age: 1/b-July 1898

  • Chief Little Shell

    1900 Census Tein Township, Minnesota

  • Jerry Grombo----------------------age:52/b-March 1848
  • Wife: Elise-----------------------age:48/b-July 1852
  • Son: George-----------------------age:21/b-July 1878
  • Son: Mickel (probably Nick)-------age:19/b-April 1881
  • Son: Rodger-----------------------age:17/b-June 1882
  • Daughter: Louisa------------------age:14/b-July 1885
  • Son: John-------------------------age: 1/b-Aug 1898

  • 1920 Census Drayton, North Dakota

  • Jerry Grumbo---------age:76
  • Wife: Elizabeth------age:75
  • Son: Mickel(Nick)----age:39

  • Josephine Grumbo------age:67

  • Son: Patrick---------age:42
  • Son: Fred------------age:44
  • GrandSon: Lawrence---age:15

  • Roy Williams and Doris Brougham, son and daughter of Florence Grumbo.

    1920 Census Yankton, South Dakota

    Randoplh Anderson-----age:23

  • Wife: Della----------age:30
  • Daughter: Woods Florence----age:14
  • Son: Jack-------------------age:13
  • Son: Albert-----------------age:11
  • Son: Stanley----------------age: 8
  • NOTE: Florence Woods aka, Florence Grumbo, Jack Anderson, aka John Grumbo, Albert Anderson aka, Albert Grumbo, Stanley Anderson aka, Stanely Grumbo. THESE ARE THE SAME CHILDREN SHOWN ON THE 1910 INDIAN CENSUS OF DRAYTON, NORTH DAKOTA. I do not know if they legally changed their names to "Anderson", I assume that they just chose the name and it was never legally done by a court. This is nothing knew for people back in the early 1900's. Many changed thier last names without going through a legal process. However, Florence, Jack (John), Albert, Stanley, were all full-blooded Indian and their father was, George Grumbo. George was shot in the back in Drayton, North Dakota, in 1911-1913, year is known to be somewhere in that area. Also, the surname "WOODS" is a derivative of their orginal family name, "Grandbois", which means; Big Woods.

    Not sure why Della wrote this down or whom she was writing it for or what purpose. May have been to prove births of her children she had with George Grumbo. Whatever her reasons were, she seem to always want to hide the name Grumbo after her first husband died, George Grumbo. George was Della's first cousin as well as her husband. I know that there was an incident within the Grumbo history that caused families to change or hide their surnames. I feel that it is some how tied to Della and George Grumbo. George died somewhere between 1910 or 1913. Believe he was murdered, and I feel as though his murder is tied into whatever shame that was brought upon the Grumbo name. Since George's death, Della has done her best to change her children's names as well as her own and to lay little or no claim to the name Grumbo. That could be why she used the name "Woods" instead of Grumbo or Grandbois. Seems she was always trying to hide the name and keep it from her past. This document that Della wrote, shows her using the last name "Woods" for her children, instead of using their original name, "Grumbo". The birth dates are correct.

    1930 Census, Minot, North Dakota

    Marie Woods-------------------age:38

  • Mother: Josephine-------------age:84
  • Note: this is Josephine Grumbo and Marie Grumbo, aka, Grandbois

  • Della Anderson (Widowed)-------age:39

  • Son: Jack---------------------age:24
  • Son: Albert-------------------age:21
  • Son Stanley-------------------age:19
  • NOTE: Della Anderson is Della Grumbo, aka Grandbois and the boys listed here are also Grumbo's

    Della Grumbo

    1930 Census

    Roy Williams-------------------age:38

  • Wife: Florence (aka: Flo Grumbo)-----age:24
  • Step daughter: Doris Brougham--------age:8
  • Son: *Cecil--------------------------age:6
  • Daughter: Ramona---------------------age:3-1/2
  • Daughter: Bernice--------------------age:2-1/2
  • Son: Marvin L------------------------age:1-1/2

  • 1.Roy Williams 2.Florence Grumbo Williams 3.From left-right: Roy jr., Doris, Ramona, Bernice


    Louis Grumbo and Cyrill Fredrick lived next to each other in Drayton, North Dakota. One day there was a dispute over their property line. Both men began arguing with each other as to where the property line actually was. They were disputing with each other in Michif (mix of french & indian). Everytime one of them would make a valid point, they would puncuate it by jerking on the other one's beard.

    I can just imagine two old men, jibbering in Michif ( French mix) while the neighbors looked on, pulling and jerking on each other's beards. Well at least fist weren't flying, but I'm sure the profanity was.

    Contributed by: Al Yerbury


    My Grandpa was so proud of his Indian heritage and name. He use to call my Mom, "his little papoose", since she was his only girl.

    Three out of my Grandfather's four sons all had black hair, dark eyes and dark skin, as well as my mother. Everyone one called us Indians. I don't remember my Grandpa ever telling us what type of Indian we were, but he was so proud of the Indian in our blood.

    Grandpa would tell us stories of when he was younger. One day he told of us, that some of his uncles had shamed the family name by committing a murder. This act was done at a time when being Indian was considered taboo. His father and brother's moved away and changed their names. They tried to get my Grandpa to change his name, but he was too proud, and said, "I was born a Grumbo and I will die a Grumbo". Then my Grandfather moved in with his Grandparents and they raised him, and he kept the Grumbo name along with his Grandparents.

    Grandpa always told us that we were Indian. My brother had dark hair and dark skin, and in school they would call him Indian Boy, and he would get upset when they called him this. But now, as an adult, my brother knows it is something to be proud of, his heritage.

    When we were little, we use to run through Grandpa's house, and Grandpa would tell us that, "we were acting like a bunch of Indians", then he would get up and run around with us and play Indians. It so wonderful. Grandpa ran around like this even with his great grandchildren, even after he had his stroke, and could hardly walk. I have never seen or known a man with so much pride in who he was and where his roots came from.


    My Father tells me that he never heard Josephine Grandbois/Grumbo speak a word of English. She was always speaking in Michif. She always spoke to her daughter Della in this language. My father also remembers Josephine always smoked a corn cob pipe. Word is, that she smoked that pipe until the day she passed away at 100 years old. Some say she was older, 105, when she passed away.


    Florence Grumbo was the daughter of George Grumbo & Della Grumbo. Florence is considered, Full-Blooded Indian. Florence Grumbo was my Grandmother. The following is what I know about Mary Florence (Flo) Grumbo and her life.

    Florence was born in Minnesota, Dakota Territory in 1905. Her parents later moved to North Dakota when she was still a child. Florence had a child by Mr. Merle Murray Brougham, a baby girl named Doris. Florence and Merle were never married. Florence married my Grandfather, Le'Roy Williams. They had 3 children together; Roy, Bernice and Ramona. They later divorced, and Florence married a Peter Olson Luvaas, born 23 Jun 1891 in Osterdalen, Hedmark, Norway, whom she had one child with, a son named, Peter Harry Marvin Luvaas. That marriage lasted about 1 year. Then, Florence re-married Le'Roy Williams. In 1936, the family was separated and the children were put up for adoption. Peter Luvaas was adopted, while Cecil, Bernice, and Ramona remained in Orphanges until they were 16 and left the Orphanges, literally, they ran away from the Orphanges.

    According to my father, who was about 12 years old when his Mom and Dad divorced, his mother was never home after his father left. My father doesn't talk about it much, but I would assume that the he and the other children were taken from Florence.

    Peter Luvaas was adopted by a man with the same last name as his. I do not know if they were related. My Father, ended up working at the age 15, doing odd jobs. He worked for Frank Fredricks on the RailRoad for a while and at the Ice house hauling ice. He later joined the Navy. Doris the oldest, married Harold Edwin Strickland and had several children with him. Ramona married Wayne Carter and had 10 children with him.

    After the break up of the family, Florence married a William Olive. I have no information as to whether they had any children together. I do not know whether Mr.Olive and Florence divorced or whether Mr. Olive passed away, but Florence later married a Mr. Sanchez, sometimes spelled (sanchey) who worked for the RailRoad. As far as I know, they did not have any children together. I believe by the time Florence married Mr. Sanchez, she was past the child-bearing age.

    Peter Harry Marvin Luvaas....Pete Luvaas settled in Willow Creek, Ca., where he worked for a Logging company. Pete served in the US Navy during WWII. On Oct 22, 1980, Pete died in an automobile accident at the age of 52. It is sad that I never got to know him. Pete's father was Peter Olson Luvaas, born 23 June 1891 in Osterdalen, Hedmark, Norway. Peter O. Luvaas died, 26 July 1971 in Minot, North Dakota. from the information that I have gathered on Mr Peter O. Luvaas, his parents were, Mr Ola Luvaas and mother was, Stena Lesa Christofferson. Peter O. Luvaas served in the US Army in WWI, not clear as to whether he seen any action or not, but was discharged Dec 1,1918 at the rank of private at Devens, Mass.

    Doris Brougham, also died in an automobile accident in her middles 60's. I have been told that Harold and Doris never divorced and Doris re-married after Harold's death. Harold died in 1962 in an automobile accident. Doris remarried a man named, Walter Strindmo. Doris died in Plaza, North Dakota along with Walter, her 2nd husband in a car accident. Harold died in Williston, North Dakota, in a car accident.

    Florence Grumbo in her 90's, Flo Grumbo and grandaughter Robbie.