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Hi everybody. Welcome back to my website. I have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see. These are pictures for week 14. WOW, has it been 14 weeks already? Looks like I am getting big too. Mommy and Daddy say that I have little pork hacks for legs. I wonder what they mean by that. I think that somebody should come out with an Adult/Baby dictionary. That way I might be able to make some sense of what those crazy parents of mine say.

Take a look at these cuties of me. Mommy has been getting me to spend more time on my belly, you know something, I like it. Everything looks so different when I am laying this way. Take a look at the last picture of me. I think my Mommy surprised me or maybe I am concentrating on having a really big poop. I can't remember. Hope you like them.

Here are even more pictures of me. These were taken when I first wake up in the morning. I often hear Mommy and Daddy saying how pleased they are because when I wake up, I don't cry or anything. According to them all I do is giggle and laugh as I look at all the cool stuff in my room. Just look at the pictures. I guess they are right.

And once again, I have even more pictures of me. Most of them are of me posing for Mommy. Aren't I a little cutie? It looks like what Mommy says is true: that I have a natural flare for the camera. Does that mean that I am going to be a model when I grow up?

Well that raps up another week of the life of Brianna....I hoped you liked them....stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!