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Hi everybody. Welcome back to my website. It has been a while but I am back!!!! I have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see. These are pictures for week 15. I hope you like them.

This is me playing with some toys. The little bunny is my pal Pinky. At the bottom I am sitting in front of another pink bunny. He is my pal too. His name is Big Pinky. I love my pink bunnies.

This is me playing on the floor again. I don't know why, but my parents always seem to put me on the floor for playtime. But you know, looking at these pictures, I think I have fun on the floor...just better make sure no grownups walk on me.

Here I am posing for the camera. What do ya think? Am I getting more and more cute each day? At least that is what daddy tells me all the time.

This is me and Daddy playing with our dog Archer. He doesn't live with us anymore. I miss him but I know that he is happy with his new family.

Well that raps up another week. I hoped you liked my new pictures. I know that my Daddy and Mommy were tardy in getting these pictures ready for you all (right Leisa?) But not to worry more are on the way so stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!