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Hi everybody. Welcome back to my website. I have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see. These are pictures for week 16, June 9 - June 15. Yup, that's right I was still only 3 months old when Mommy and Daddy took these pictures. And just think how slow they are getting them ready for everyone to see cause this week I turned 5 months old. I better give my Daddy a kick in the bum to get him moving faster. At least Mommy got the pictures ready a long time ago. So sit back and I hope you enjoy my new pictures.

This first lot of pictures were taken of me with my Daddy on our first Father's day together. Doesn't he look proud as punch? I got this funny feeling that he loves me bunches. I hope you had a chance to look at my Father's Day page I made for him and Grampy and all the other special guys in my life that I am sad to say I never got to met but I am sure that Mommy and Daddy will have plenty of stories to tell me when I get older. I love you Daddy and Grampy.

Once again Mommy and Daddy took a whole bunch of pictures of me playing. You would think that they would have better things to do with their time, but I guess all they do in their spare time is be proud of me. I think they need to take a chill pill or shake their heads to see if they rattle. Rattle...waahhhhhhh!!! They have my toys in their heads...LOL

Well that raps up the week of June 9 - 15, just another in the life of Brianna....I hoped you liked them....stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!