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Hi everybody. Can you believe it, another new page, and so soon after the last one. I have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see. These are pictures for week 17, June 16 - 22. I hope you like them.

These first pictures are of me playing in my exersaucer. I love playing in it, it has so many little gadgets and toys to play with. I can even sit up in it all by myself, and as you can see, this helps me out a whole bunch when I want to munch on my sookie blanket.

This was a sad week for me, and my Mommy and Daddy. We gave our doggie, Archer away to some very nice people who live in Riverport. Although we were all very sad we know that he was going to a new home where he would be loved and cherished. We love you Archer. Mommy even did up a special page for him. Don't forget to check it out. These are pictures of me and my family playing with Archer.

Here I am relaxing in my swing. I usually spend about an hour in it every day, just sitting back and hugging and chewing on my blanky. Don't laugh, you all probably had one as a baby too.

Well what would any week be without the necessary pictures of me playing on the floor. Like I said last time, my Mom and dad really need to take a chill pill. Hey Jill, if you're reading this, is there any such pill? If there is give my Dad some will ya?

Well that raps up another week of the life of Brianna....I hoped you liked them....stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!