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Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Brianna, Happy Birthday to me. Hi everybody. Welcome back to my website. I have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see. These are pictures for week 18, June 23 - 29. And as ya can tell, it is my birthday. I turned a whole whopping 4 months old on Sunday. I hope that you are all singing and clappingalong.

Ya can certainly tell that I am getting older. This week I did my 1st unassisted roll on my belly. You now, the world looks awfully small when you are so low to the floor.

This week saw another first in my life. I ate solid food for the very first time. It was only rice cereal, but after four months of nothing but formula, it tasted like a T-bone steak. But I have a question for everybody...what is a T-bone steak and just what is supposed to taste like...LOL.

And as ya can tell, since this was my first solid food, those nuts that I call parents had to make a great big deal about the whole thing by taking a bunch of pictures. I just wish I was a bit older....can you tell me what it sounds like when you step very hard on a camera. I really need to know cause I have to know if I am doing it right when I get older...LOL.

Here I am asleep on my side. What do you expect, it has been a very exciting week for me, new movements, new food. All the new stuff has made me so tired that I needed a nap. And wouldn't ya know it, my Mommy has to go with the camera and take some pictures of me as I lie here in never, never land

Well that raps up another week of the life of Brianna....thanks for dropping by and I hoped you liked them....stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!