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Hi everybody, welcome back for another visit to my website. These pictures are for July 7 -13, or Week 20 in the life of Brianna. This was the first full week of Daddy's vacation and it was another great week. Mommy and Daddy and me did a whole bunch of good things together. We spent most of the week in Canso and went visiting relatives. We went back to the Passge on Thursday and on Friday Daddy took me to the school where he works and I got to meet some of the people he works with. What a special week. And as always, Mommy and Daddy were there with their camera. So sit back and enjoy. I hope you like them.

And before I forget I want to welcome a new cousin to the world. My Aunt Crystal and Uncle Dale have a new baby Girl. She was born on July 10 and her name is Bailey Jade Richardson. Hi Bailey. I know we will be great cousins and great friends as we grow up....xoxoxo. Check out next week's pictures and we will have a picture of Bailey for you to see.

These first pictures are of me visiting with my family. The first picture is me with my Aunt Hilda, and then with her husband, Uncle Roger. And then there are two pictures of me with a very, very special lady, my Nanny Munroe. I can't wait to see you all again. I love you guys.

Here is me visiting at the school that my Daddy teaches at. It is CompuCollege in Dartmouth and the pictures are of me with the people Daddy works with. They are (working left to right):
  1. Jill Inglis (thanks to you, Logan and Derek for the Teddy when I was born)
  2. Donna McRae-Murphy
  3. Heather Meikle
  4. Heather again, the lady standing there looking at me is from Mulgrave and is the sister of Doreen Fougere from Canso. Her name is Mary Baker.
  5. Sheila Reade
  6. John Pickup
They are all special people and I can see why he likes working with them so much. There are other people who work there but I didn't get a chance to meet them, so I want to send a special hello out to Ann Keddy (she was there but I didn't get a chance to get my picture taken with her), Andrew Palmer (again, he was there but I didn't get a chance to get my picture taken with him), Don Howell and Ted Johnson (a congrats to Ted cause my Daddy tells me he just recently became a Grampy). HELLO to you all.

My Mommy and Daddy finally decided that I was old enough to play in my Jolly Jumper. I didn't think it was possible to have so much fun in one day, but it is, just take a look at these (cause you know that with a new toy comes tons of pictures...hehehe).

Here I am with Paul Keefe, he is a good friend of my daddy and he came over for a visit. After I was born he bought me a huge, and I mean huge Teddy Bear. I know that when I turn 10 it will still be way too big for me. Thanks Uncle Paul...

Well it has been a very long week. I do ......time....for ....a....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Well that raps up another week of my life in pictures....I hoped you liked as always stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!