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Hi everybody. Welcome back to my website. It has been awhile, but now I am back and I have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see. These are pictures for week 22, July 21 - July 27. I hope you enjoy them. Hey, I just remembered something, my fifth month birthday was during this week. It was on July 23rd. Horray for me.

The first thing I want to point out is that my Mom and Dad still haven't changed at all. Whenever they get a chance they just start snapping pictures like crazy. Take this for instance. All I was doing was sitting and playing my piano, when all of a sudden the camera comes out and then picture after picture is taken of me. Mom and Dad, I have something to tell you...I know that I am cute, everybody else knows that I am cute...wouldn't one picture of me be good enough?

Dad's Note: No Brianna, one picture is far from enough. Your Mom and I want hundred's, and since you're too small to stop...then too bad...but we love you though.

This week was special for me for a couple of reasons. First of all I finally got to go in the big, big bathtub. Here are some pictures of the last time I was in my little tub. You may be asking, where is the tub, I am not in it. Well that is true, when the pictures were taken, I was laying on the floor with my towel around me. The reason was that I had a bit of a bath accident. I really needed to go so I went. Yup, right in the tub. So Mommy had to grab me and put me on the floor while she cleaned out the tub so that I could get my bath. It was just too funny.

Bawwwww!!! Take a look at this will you. The first time in the big tub and Daddy has to take a bunch of pictures of it. Do you have no shame Daddy? Look at me, I am naked. I don't want everybody to see me like this. ;-) But ya gotta admit I am quite cute in this pics. And I do have to admit, the strategic placement of the wash cloth does hide the places that have to be kept hidden. For that Mommy thanks.

Look another first for this week. I got my first taste of veggies this week. And do you want to know something? They are awesome. Now if me and Mommy could just get Daddy to eat his veggies everything would be great. I'm not sure, but I think these are sweet potatoes. They are yummy. I can't wait till I get the sweet stuff. belly is growling just thinking about it. Take a look at the last two pictures, my belly was so full it made me very, very tired.

Here are even more pictures of me. These are of me sitting up playing while Mommy becomes snap happy. Well here I am Mommy...get some cute ones OK.

Oh my, what a long week, so many firsts. It has just tuckered me out. Come here Mommy ... pick me up ... that's it ... yawnnn. With Mommy ... holding ....... me ..... I ....... just ...... feel ...... so ..... comfy ....... I .................. think ............. I'll take ............ a .............. quick ................. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Oh my gosh, that was a great nap. Now that I am all refreshed and feeling like a new born is time to pay back Daddy for all those pictures he took of me in the bathtub. Come here Daddy...I'm gonna get ya.

Oh well, I got Daddy back, now it is time to show him how much I love the big galoot. So bye for now and keep on popping back in. Mommy and Daddy are working on a bunch of pages and they should be ready soon.

Well that raps up another week of the life of Brianna....I hoped you liked them....stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!