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Hi everybody. Welcome back to my website. WOW..can you believe another page so soon after the last one. I have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see. These are pictures for week 23, July 28 - August 3.

Yummy squash. Yup, a new food for me. And I loved it and gobbled it all up. Can't you tell from all the pictures that Daddy took. He's gotta get a life. Oh yeah, he does and it's me and my Mommy.

This was another special week in my life. On August 2nd I was baptized. These are some pictures of me taken after the baptism. As you can see, I was a bit excited. Here I am trying to jump out of the car seat. I would have made it too if Mommy and Daddy hadn't have stopped me.

Since I was baptized in Canso, it also gave me a chance to visit with some special people in my life. In these pictures I am with my Great Nanny Richardson, I just love you so Nanny...big X and O for you. I also went to visit at my Aunt Wanda's, hi Aunt Wannie...I love you, Mommy and Daddy are still really sorry about forgetting to call you, you are a really special aunt to all of us and we love you very much...big hugs and kisses for you, hope to see you on our next trip home...I also got to spend some time with my cousin Logan. As you can tell Logie was not too taken with me, but I love him just the same, actually when Mommy takes me down to my room she shows me the pictures on the wall and I just smile and giggle lots when I look at Logan's picture...must be the red hair, hmm...wonder if mine is going to look like his...Hi Logie, hope you are having lots of fun in school, hope to see you again soon, hugs and kisses for you and your Mommy and Daddy too, love you all...There is also a couple of pictures of me standing up with my Mommy too...xoxoxoxo

Well once again, that raps up another week in my life...I hoped you liked all the new pictures....and always remember.....stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna webpage...and as always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!