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Hi everybody. Once again welcome back to my website. I have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see. They are for week 25, August 11 - 17. This was another special week for me. Daddy brought me and Mommy down to Canso on August 9th and her and I spent the whole week at Grampy and Grammy's. Daddy came back to get us on Saturday the 16th. It was fun being in Canso the whole week. And I even got to go in Grampy and Uncle Dale's boat, The Lloyd and Chelsea. The boat is named after my Uncle Lloyd and my cousin Chelsea. That is where Daddy found me and Mommy when he arrived. Don't worry, Mommy and Daddy make sure to get a bunch of pictures of me in the boat.

And here they are, a bunch of pictures of my 1st time in the boat... Look at all the fun I was having. I got to spend the day with so many special people: Grampy and Grammy, Aunt Wanda, my cousin Chelsea and of course Mommy and Daddy. The worst thing about it was having to wear that big vest. But I understand that no one wants me to fall overboard and sink. But I think that I'd float like a duck. But I wanna tell you guys, I had so much fun and it was so great to see Daddy after a whole week. This was a very special day. The boat and Daddy. Oh by the way, thanks Grampy..I loved the boat. I hope you take me again. I love you..xoxoxoxo

Well that raps up another week. Can ya believe it, a whole week and only one section of pictures. I guess Mommy's fingers must have been sore or the fact that Daddy wasn't there to take a whole bunch of pictures. But I really hope that you liked the ones that were here. So that's it, that's all, so ....stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!