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Hi everybody, I'm back. I am so happy that you came to visit me again and to see my newest pictures that were taken from September 1 - 7, or week 28 in my little life. And do I ever have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see.

These first pictures are of me visiting the gang in Truro. I went to visit my Great-Great Aunt Gladys, my cousin Becky and my cousin and Godmother Bonnie (don't call me Ruth)...haha. But best of all was that my Great Nanny Richardson was in Truro for me to visit with as well. I had so much fun spending time with everybody, so many laughs and giggles, I just love them all so much. Bonnie, Becky and Mommy took me to the park to feed the ducks, as you can tell those ducks can be vicious, can't they Becky, when they want food. I also showed Nanny this great new show I found it is called Sesame Street and I think Nanny was enjoying it as much as me...isn't it great fun Nanny... I also got some gifts of new clothes and I just had to try them on, what do you think of my beret? I like the last picture the best. I had so much fun visiting overnight that I went back again the following week for a few more days...thanks so much for having me, it was really fun, hope to do it again soon...I love you all...big Xs and Os for you all.

Daddy dug out one of my toys and we played with it. It was a little tiny horn and here Daddy is blowing it in my face. Oh what a noise Daddy...stop it, go outside and throw rocks at airplanes....

This was also the weekend of the airshow at the Shearwater Air Force base and we have a great spot to watch it from my house, and that is what we did. It was a really nice day and Mommy and Daddy took me outside on the deck to spend the day with them. The only problem was all the creepy spiders...I don't like them. But oh what a noise those big jet planes made. At times I thought they were going to come right through the house. But they were fun to see. But I think daddy liked it a lot more than me and my Mommy. The Snow Birds were great though.

Daddy also got a bunch of close-ups of me when I was outside. Ain't I just the cutest?

Oh my, what a long week, so much fun I had. It ... is ........... so ........ very..... iring .... I ......... think ......... I'll ......... have ........... a........... little ........... nap .... bye ..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Well that raps up another week of my little girl's life. Yup, this is Harve, Brianna couldn't finish the page because she is tired and sleeping (didn't you see the pictures), so I thought that I would finish it for her. I hoped you liked the pictures. I also want to mention that sometimes it is hard to keep the pages updated on a regular basis. A fair bit of work goes into maintaining the web site. I am just glad you all come by to visit with her and look at the pictures. As you can tell her mother and I think the world of her and we just want to share her with everyone. So from Velda and I to all of you, thank you for coming by time and time again to share in our joy...and I just couldn't finish without always remember...WE LOVE YOU!!!!