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Hi everybody, I'm back. I am so happy that you came to visit me again and to see my newest pictures that were taken from September 15 - 21, or week 30 in my little life. And do I ever have a whole bunch of new pictures for you to see.

As usual Mommy and Daddy have their period when they are snap happy. This was one of those weeks. Take a look , all I am doing is playing in my saucer and look at all the pictures. But you do have to admit that I am pretty darn cute, don't ya think.

After all that play I usually get nice and hungry so Mommy....FEED ME!!!!...never mind I'll do it myself. But look at me...I am getting big, I can feed myself.

LOOK EVERYBODY!!! Mommy and Daddy gave me some new food to try this week and it is ever's Ice Cream..yeah!!! Strawberry-Banana is the bestest food in the whole-wide world..I want to eat it all the time, but wouldn't ya know it, Mommy and Daddy only give it to be as a treat. But there are side-effects...take a look at the first not Daddy's big belly, but at me...I am on a big sugar high...sugar....good....

Here I am again (told ya Mommy was snap happy). This time I am doing one of the things I love to do more than any other: playing with Daddy. Look at all the fun we are having.

Well that it for another week....I hoped you liked the remember, stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna webpage...and as always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!! Bye!!!!!!!