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Hi everybody, I'm back again already. Can you believe it. A full week and not as many pictures as usual. I guess Mommy and Daddy got their full last week. But I am so happy that you came to visit me again and to see my newest pictures that were taken from September 22 - 28, or week 31 in my little life. Like I said, not as many as usual but as my Daddy told me: "it's not the quantity but the quality that matters". I'm not too sure what he means by that but he gave me a big hug and kiss while telling me. That Daddy of mine, he can get so sappy at times. So here are my pictures for the week. I hope that you like them, they are just of me doing the things that I do each and every day. Oh, by the way, did you take notice that I can sit up all by myself now. I'm growing up.

Well that it for this week....I hoped you liked the pictures....and I want to really thank Mommy and Daddy for giving me a break from the camera. So bye everybody and remember, stay tuned...for more Brianna pics...same Brianna time...same Brianna webpage...and as always remember...I LOVE YOU!!!!