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McVicars Bus Service P/L - Lidcombe

Sydneys first Double Decker bus. During October,1922 Bede Brennan placed this unit into service in the Bankstown area. Mr Brennan was also a picture theatre proprietor and businessman.The well known body builder, Syd. Wood, built this vehicle and when this unit was built was known as Bankstown Coach Works. The name Syd. Wood between 1913 and 1962 was well known in the bus field, however the first few years horsedrawn vehicle type bodies were built along with a few buses but during the "twenties" the firm moved strongly into the bus bodybuilding field. The last complete body was built for brothers Jack & Les King of Kempsey and the body plate is dated 25/9/62 and was a 27 passenger unit on a Thornycroft chassis.