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Welcome to Fran's World.


I am a veteran of the US Air Force.I am a big fan of Star Trek. I enjoy hiking, rock climbing and camping. I like video games. My favorite music is heavy metal, Nickelback and Metallica rocks! I am from Wisconsin, born in Red Wing, MN. My twin brother and two sisters live in Northwest Arkansas. The rest of my family is spread around the U.S. I have a nephew in the Air Force and a neice in the Navy. I have a niece who had a baby girl named Michelle Lee Ann and a nephew whose wife had a baby girl named Mara Maria. My favorite songs are Brittney Spears 'I am a slave for you' and Janet Jackson's 'Discipline'. I enjoy cooking and baking. I am also a member of a group called SCA which stands for Society of Creative Anachronism, which is a group that gets together to relive the middle ages. My name in the SCA is Alix dite Merline.

Picture of me at Vertigo.

img___My HomePage___

img ___My Angel Fire Blog___

img ___My Twitter Home Page___

img___My Recipes___

img___My Books and Poetry I love___

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