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Welcome to Gravity's Official (for now) Site

Gravity is:
Joe Cox...vocals

Phillip Bunch...guitar

Blake Thomas...bass

Shawn Smith...drums

So I guess this page is where I tell everyone how Gravity got together in the first place. Joe, Phillip, Alex and myself(Shawn)were all sitting around bullshitting one day and Phillip said, "Damn, I wish I still had a band to play guitar in."

I then told Phillip that I had played drums off and on for about 9 years. Then Alex chimed in and told us he could play a little bass, and that he could learn what he didn't already know.

Phillip then said jokingly, "All we need now is to find someone who can sing."

To everyone's suprise Joe then announced that he could fill this spot.

And thus, Gravity was born.

It took us some time to come up with a name. We probably went through 10 different spoken ideas each and more than 100 unspoken. To be completely honest, I have no idea what else to put here so I'm just not going to put anything else.

Now you know how Gravity came to be.

Don't you just feel so special?

Thank you, Shawn for that wonderful background information on the wonderfulness that is Gravity. Haha. Now, check out some of the links.

Hope you are enjoying so far, but don't leave without visiting the links!

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