“Can I have a hamburger?” “No, I’m Nacho Mama!”
Project Geoff Taylor 2
Phase I
Cheese Wedge
It Bears Repeating Now
Ahh, Memories
Good Eatin’
Innovation at its Best
Phase II
Uhh… Where am I?
Poorly Translations is Funning
Monkey Fire
The New Style
Phase III
No Parking
Mohawk or Faux–Hawk?
Bad Paint Job
Irrelevant Road Signs
Shane Cooper Presents: Caption
Caption I
Caption II
Caption III
Caption IV
Caption V
Caption VI
Caption VII
Caption VIII
Caption IX
Caption X
AbsoluteMagic’s Seraphim Proudleduck Lair
Bob’s Funky House of Doom
Fungal Update
Monkey Alert System
Tim’s Test Tubes
logrolling platypus
formidable cockatoo
reticulating splines
This website is copyright ©2003–2007 Absolute Magic.