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Saying the Beatles Don't Rule pisses people off.

S'more Evan: This is almost a Punk Continued sort of a deal. My friend and I were talking earlier today, and he remarked about "emo" music and how great it was, pointing out such neato bands as Alkaline Trio and The Used. I said to him, "Do you know what emo really is? It's a bunch of grown guys up on stage crying because when they were five, their uncle touched their pee pee." To this he retorted, "At least I don't like the gay Beatles. I praise the man who shot John Lennon." Think about that. There are people so hopelessly immersed in this "emo" or "punk" image that they try to maintain at all costs that these lumps of shit can't respect one of the true musical innovators of our century. Other than Elvis, MAYBE, I would love for anyone to point out a band more influential than the Beatles. And by the way, to my good friend, I hate to break it to you, but a lot more people agree with me than with you, you little nail painting faggot. Alkaline Trio, in all its glory, hasn't even gone gold with its most popular album yet, meaning it hasn't yet sold 500,000 albums. According to an MTV website, this is the fifth album from the band. Now, I'll be generous and give the other albums a good 125,000 sold each, although the real number is probably less. Assuming this, they have sold, in their illustrious careers, about one million albums. The Beatles, on the other hand, who were a band for about as long as Alkaline Trio is now, have sold internationally, over ONE BILLION ALBUMS. So, statistically, and based on popularity, I say we have a group about a thousand times more popular than Alkaline Trio on our hands with The Beatles. methegreat788: This leads me to a suggestion. Alkaline Trio, a bitching little group of faggots who need to let their fans in on their level of suckiness, needs to be replaced with people with legitimate reasons to complain: the children raped by priests in Boston. I know you might say, "Isn't that selling short the musical talent of the group?" No, no its not. They're not all that talented when compared to other groups. People who try to maintain bad ass images need to be beaten, plain and simple. I say, if they hate money so much, let's take all of the proceeds from their albums and give the money to the poor, or to the children who will be taking their places; they'll need instruments after all. In closing, lets just say that as soon as soon as shitty-ass Alkaline Trio musters the talent to sell one one-hundredth of the number of albums sold by the Beatles, then you may all criticize the Beatles and scoff at their deaths at will. But until that day, I say burn your SHITTY Alkaline Trio CDs and consider picking up some real music, like the Beatles, or the Rolling Stones, AC/DC, or some fucking Yanni. Anything is better than "emo."